Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 review!

On May 5th, 2017, an excellent film came out. Its name? Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2.
So! Let's start the review!
The characters are all great. I love how the minor characters from the last film get bigger roles in this film (Yondu and Nebula). But of course: the big guy (technically small) baby Groot.
What'd you think of Baby Groot? I hated him. Just kidding. Baby Groot is an amazing character that is so much better than Adult Groot. They should've just kept him as a baby because I would much rather see baby Groot in Infinity War than Teenage Group. So, let's talk spoilers. If you haven't seen the film, you should see it. It is amazing.
I can't believe they killed off Rocket. Just kidding. That was for people who didn't watch the movie but kept reading. However, this movie does have one character who dies. It was so sad when Yondu died. I mean, I was almost crying.
The movie was hilarious. There were a few smutty jokes, but those weren't too bad. It had some swearing, but not much compared to school.
Did you not like anything about it? Well, yeah. There was no Infinity Stone or allusion to Infinity War. No Thanos. Just Ego, the friendly planet. Other complaints? How so quickly the characters change. The golden species, Sovereign, have a leader named Ayesha. She goes from flirting with Star-Lord to DEATH TO THE GUARDIANS! And what for? Rocket stole batteries, but really. That quick of a personality change? (Come to think of it, I had a teacher like that. Nice one minute, death the next). Other things? Nothing, really. Just go see the movie. You won't regret it.
