Star Wars trailer breakdown

Around Tuesday, Star Wars released a new trailer for the Last Jedi.
Naturally, I just have to dissect it (though it's not dead... so technically vivisect).
The trailer has about 13 main parts

Part One: Person staring
Who is this person staring? What are they staring at?

Part Two: Desert planet
The new AT-ATs look SWEET. And the scene where they're fighting the rebels is awesome.

Part Three: Walking evil
Kylo Ren is leading some Stormtroopers somewhere. Where? No idea.

Part Four: Kylo Ren
In this part, Kylo Ren picks up his lightsaber and has flips out (again).

Part Five: Rey's Jedi Training
This takes up the majority of the trailer. Luke is training Rey and she's waving a lightsaber around and then Luke's just like, "I saw this raw strength before. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now!" and just walks out on her.

Part Six: Burning Wreckage
A metal hand (Luke's) erupts from burning wreckage and then touches R2 while he looks at a flaming building. This is presumably a flashback to the days when he tried to train Ben Solo.

Part Seven: Kylo kills Leia? (Not pictured)
Ben Solo is inside a ship that seems to be firing on his mom. This makes sense, as Carrie Fisher died and killing off Leia here would make sense. But it would devastate Luke. He would lose Han and Leia! The only one left of the original gang would be Chewie.

Part Eight: Porg
I freaked out when they showed the Porg. The Porg (see older post) is a new Last Jedi character. Hearing it's cry was awesome, along with it's cute eyes. What is their purpose?

Part Nine: Poe Dameron (Not pictured)
Poe's all like, "We are the spark of the fire of the rebellion" and flies around in his ship and blows stuff up. That's normal Star Wars stuff.

Part 10: Captain Phasma v Finn
In this scene, we see Finn (dressed in First Order attire), fighting Captain Phasma. What happens/happened??

Part 11: Hoth 2
There seems to be a new Hoth. It is a cold planet with the Ice Wolves. Don't know what Ice Wolves are, exactly, but they look and sound cool.

Part 12: Snoke
This one just lets us have our first really good image of Supreme Leader Snoke.
Part 13: Rey asks a question

Image result for last jedi trailer
Part Four
In this scene, Rey asks Kylo Ren what her place is in the universe. Oh my gosh, does she go over to the Dark Side? What could possibly happen that forces her to be that desperate? It's questions like these that make December 15th seem very far away.
Image result for last jedi trailer
Part One
Image result for last jedi trailer
Part Five
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Part Two
Image result for last jedi trailer
Part Eight

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Part Ten
Image result for last jedi trailer ice wolves
Part Eleven

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Part Three
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Part Six
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Part Twelve
Image result for last jedi trailer rey dark side
Part Thirteen
