Top 10 most touching things the Simpsons have done.

Today, I'm counting down the top 10 most touching things the Simpsons have ever done. Why? Because I like the Simpsons.

10. They build Ned Flanders a new house. (season 8, episode 8, Hurricane Neddy)
In Hurricane Neddy, Ned Flanders loses his house when a deadly hurricane hits Springfield. Forced to live in the Church, the Springfield residents build a new house for Ned as a community sign of appreciation (granted, the house does fall down and Ned also breaks down).

9. He gives up his job as the town crier to help support Lisa. (season 7, episode 16, Lisa the Iconoclast)
When a shocking truth comes up about Springfield's founder, Jebediah Springfield, Lisa is determined to show everyone the truth. Her dad, who was recently cast as the town crier, cries about this news and gets fired.

8.He sells his Duff Blimp tickets so Lisa can enter a beauty pageant when her self-esteem is at an all-time low. (season 4, episode 4, Lisa the Beauty Queen)
Homer wins Duff Blimp tickets at a school event. But, when Lisa gets a funny drawing of her done at the same event, he sells hid Duff Blimps to enter in a Beauty pageant so she can feel beautiful.

7.  Maggie picks Marge over Ned Flanders. (season 7, episode 3, Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily)
When the Simpson kids are taken by child protective services and given to the Flanders, Flanders realizes that they have not been baptized. When he goes to baptize them, Homer takes a baptism for Bart. But when Maggie has to pick the Simpsons or Flanders (who paid attention to her), Marge comes and Maggie picks her over the Flanders.

6. Bart spends his recently earned $500 dollars to buy the Bleeding Gums record so Lisa can play it over the radio. (season 6, episode 22, Round Springfield)
When Bleeding Gums made a comeback and died, Lisa wants to play a song by him over the radio.
Meanwhile, Bart wins a lawsuit against Krusty-Os and wins $500. The only record of Bleeding Gums is $250, which is raised to $500 after the Comic Book guy learns she needs it. Bart buys the record for her, and she's able to play it over the radio.

5. Lisa buys Bart his soul back when he sells it to Milhouse. (season 7, episode 4, Bart sells his soul)
Bart sells his soul to Milhouse after declaring that no one has a soul. But after realizing he does have a soul, Bart tries to get it back, only to learn that someone has bought it. Devastated, he runs back to the house and begins to pray when a piece of paper with Bart's soul on it floats into his hands -- the thrower? Lisa. She had bought it with her saved up money.

4. Homer quits his dream job when his family is unhappy with where they moved. (season 8, episode 2, You only move twice)
Homer gets a dream job, where he is successful with his work and his boss (Hank Scorpio) gives him high praise and makes him feel valuable. But, when no one else in the Simpsons house is doing as well as he is and they all want to move back to Springfield, Homer quits his high paying job, where he is successful and loved, moving him back to Springfield -- dump city. The only thing that makes you not feel incredibly sad after watching this is that his boss was an omega supervillain.

3. Maggie says, "dada" when no one can hear her. (season 4, episode 10, Lisa's first word)
In this episode, we learn that Homer desperately wants a baby's first to be dada. They get into explaining how Lisa's first word was Bart, and Bart's first word was Ay Caramba! Then, after Maggie is put to bed in her cradle, we hear her say quietly, "Dada." You feel sad and touched at the same time. Sad, because Homer's wish came true and he wasn't there. Touched because Maggie does love Homer.

2. Homer waits for his mom to come back. (season 7, episode 8, Mother Simpson)
This one is commonly known as being very sad. Homer's mom, Mona Simpson, comes back to the family (after thinking Homer died), and it is explained that she had to leave because Mr. Burns holds her responsible for destroying his germ factory (long story). But, when Burns finds her, she leaves with Homer. As he watches her ride off into the distance with some of her Underground pals, he waves goodbye. As the credits roll, we see Homer sit on the hood of his car through day and night, waiting for his mom to come back. Aw, you just want to give him a hug. He just wants his mom back.

1. Homer gives up his dream job at the bowling alley to help support the newest addition to his family  (season 6, episode 13, and Maggie makes three)
Whilst looking at baby pictures, Lisa discerns there are no pictures of Maggie. Marge and Homer begin to tell the story: Homer finally pays all his bills and quits his job working at the Nuclear Power plant. His life is perfect with his new job (at the bowling alley), and for once in his life, he thinks his life is perfect. Everything should stay where it is. However, Marge knows better. She knows she's pregnant and that with Homer's new job, he wouldn't be able to support a family of five, so she doesn't tell. But when Homer comes home during the baby shower, he realizes the truth.
Sadly, Homer quits his job at the Bowling Factory and goes back to the Power Plant, the only place someone with his level of skill can get a high paying job that supports a family of five. So Mr. Burns gives him the "plaque,"  which reads: "Don't forget: you're here forever." So, why no pictures of Maggie? It's easier to show a picture.

Aww, Maggie gets him through the day. It's so nice (granted, the plaque never appears again, but still).
