Alright! The Marvel Youtube channel has released an Infinity War trailer, and, I gotta say, it was kinda a letdown. Yes, it's cool to formulate fan theories on the trailer, and it's nice to get a good look at the Iron Spider suit, but it's still a letdown. Here's why:

- The past teaser trailers have been amazing (Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther)
- The Iron Spider suit is still uglyish
- All the people changed
Seriously, Scarlet Witch went ginger, Black Widow's hair is white, and Vision has a human body. All the characters changed so much, when you see something new it's like, "Is that a Avenger or a Guardian or a new guy?"
Seriously, compare the pictures.

They changed so much... why can't they stay the same? Black Widow and Cap never did anything like this for nearly 8 years... except for Black Widow. She does change her hair in every movie.
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