Star Wars: the Last Jedi review!

Image result for lukeAlright! I have seen the Last Jedi, and have come up with this amazing, intricate rating:
8.3 out of 10.
The Last Jedi was okay. Some of the subplots felt iffy, and some of the new characters easily removed.

Spoilers (in order of ohmygosh meter)

1. Luke Dies
2. Yoda's there
3. Snoke dies
4. Leia has the force
5. Rey's not a Skywalker
Image result for yoda6. BB-H8 wasn't cool
7. Porgs weren't central to the plotline
8. The force can astral-project

There you go.
Now, some of the aforementioned subplots were dumb. They were as if Prequel George Lucas directed them. One of them, a city scene, felt really dumb. It was full of new creatures, but, like the Pod Race, that was more distracting than fun. The city scenes were long and overextended. The Resistance plot was LAME. They didn't even bother telling the rebels they're plan. Just let them mutiny and all.
So, good stuff. I like the parts with Kylo Ren, Luke, Rey, and Yoda. This movie seemed to destroy the entire Star Wars franchise and then rebuild it. So, another complaint was that the force can astral-project. This was never heard of before and was only tacked on to this film because they needed it for the plot.
And so, I need to go to bed. Goodbye.
