Alright, now that Black Panther has been released, and they had one of the best villains, if not the best villain yet in the MCU, I decided to see what my opinion on the worst villains are.
9. Red Skull
6. Kaecilius
Kaecilius had no motivation. But he was still a cool villain. Especially around the eyes. That was some nice CG.
The Mandarin is Iron Man's greatest foe. So when Iron Man 3 came out, he was severely disappointing.
3. Abomination
Abomination is Hulk's worst villain. And yet, he looked like a scaly lizard on two legs. This was very disappointing.
2. Yellowjacket
Darren Cross had NO motivation. The only reason they really had for why he was evil was that he was crazy. In fact, the only reason I think he was cool was because of his suit.
1. Malekith
Ego was okay. He wasn't particularly bad, but he did one thing that I think makes a good villain: He actually hurt the hero. Not like Hela, who literally sliced Thor's eye out, but Ego smashed Peter. He killed his man and smooshed his Walkman. Gave him something to fight over.
9. Red Skull
Elrond as Red Skull was okay. The worst thing about him was that Red Skull is one of Marvel's best villains, and all they did in Captain America was kill him off because he actually wasn't powerful enough. That was kind of lame.
When I look back on it, Ronan didn't have a purpose other than he believed Xandarians are filth. That's not good motivation.
Justin Hammer. I liked his character. But I didn't like it enough to actually remember him, and that brings him down.
6. Kaecilius

Obadiah Stane was unrememberable. This is why I don't like him.
3. Abomination

2. Yellowjacket

1. Malekith
Malekith was capital L Lame. He had no motivation, was completely unrememberable, and sucked all around. It's a shame they had the Aether in the Dark World, because no one remembers it and I have to explain it.
And you don't want to miss, Top 10 Best MCU Villains, coming out next Saturday.
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