This will be divided into two sections: Spoiler-free, and spoiler-filled. If you haven't seen it, tread carefully.

Spoiler free:
Avengers: Infinity War is a good movie. It's really long (2h40 mins) and has a slow pace, even though they are fighting most of the time. However, it is somewhat.... underwhelming. But this may just be because I've waited for it for six years. Wait that long for anything, and it'll be somewhat disappointing.
But don't get me wrong, it's a funny movie and exactly like the comics (Kinda), in the sense that everybody's there.
That's all I really have to say about that.
Here's a list of spoilers, in no particular order:
That's a lot of spoilers. A lot. I saw Infinity War on Thursday, and, I'll be honest, when Spider-Man died, I cried. Tom Holland's Spidey was my favorite and Spider-Man: Homecoming made him my favorite superhero. So when he died, I'm in the audience, totally crying. I don't care if someone sees me cry, I love Spider-Man and I was devastated when he died.

Spoiler free:
Avengers: Infinity War is a good movie. It's really long (2h40 mins) and has a slow pace, even though they are fighting most of the time. However, it is somewhat.... underwhelming. But this may just be because I've waited for it for six years. Wait that long for anything, and it'll be somewhat disappointing.
But don't get me wrong, it's a funny movie and exactly like the comics (Kinda), in the sense that everybody's there.
That's all I really have to say about that.
Here's a list of spoilers, in no particular order:
- Spider-Man dies
- Black Panther dies
- All the Guardians die except for Rocket and Nebula
- Loki dies
- Heimdall dies
- Bucky dies
- Vision and Scarlet Witch die
- Doctor Strange dies
- Falcon dies
- Red Skull appears
- Thanos gets all six stones
- The Soul Stone is on Voromir
- Nick Fury and Maria Hill die
- Captain Marvel (Kinda)
- Hawkeye, Valkyrie, Ant-Man, Happy Hogan, and Ramonda do not appear
- Thor gets a new eye
- Peter Dinklage is Eitri the dwarf.

In the first five minutes, Thanos kills Heimdall and Loki, confirming what Kevin Feige said.
When Black Panther died, the audience literally gasped. After the success of Black Panther, no one was expecting T'Challa to die. Yet here we are.
Some stuff I wasn't expecting was that Thanos actually gets all six stones. I thought he would get four or five at the most.
I also didn't expect Red Skull to be there. Apparently, after the Tesseract absorbed him seven years ago, he was sent to Voromir, where he guards the Soul Stone. Thanos gets there with Gamora, and Red Skull says to get the Soul Stone, he must give up something he loves. This is where Thanos kills Gamora. This was somewhat funny, because I remember when the first Avengers film came out, I thought Red Skull would come out of the Tesseract and team up with Loki.
I also didn't expect the Outriders to be so... vicious. Seriously, they were dog like animals that scared me a lot more if they had been another uniform, faceless, cgi army. They were scary.
Maybe my biggest beef with the film is that it was mildly predictable. If you read my April Fool's Day plot, it basically was that, except a few deaths and plot details (And the ending, which I thought was incredibly hard to make up). I was able to get most of the events right, albeit a bit out of order, but still got them right.
Thanos was a good villain. He actually killed people, half the universe, in fact. He's taking OCD to a genocidal level.
Some questions I have after watching the film are:
- How many characters will come back in the Untitled sequel?
- What happened to the Collector?
- How on Titan will they stop Thanos?
- Will Miles Morales be Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Far From Home since Tom Holland's Spidey died?
- How much money will it make?
- Would it make more $$$ if it was released even earlier from Deadpool 2?
- Why did they kill Black Panther or Spidey?
- Why does Thor not use his lightning powers?
- Why does Thor need a weapon? He proved he didn't need Mjolnir.
- What happened to Hawkeye and Ant-Man?
- What happened to Valkyrie, Korg, and Miek?
- Why didn't they stick with Baby Groot? He was adorable!
So yes, Infinity War was a good film. As good as I had hoped? No. A good movie? Yes. Lots of Spidey? Yup.
It was a good film.
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