Alright! Today I will make a list of the top 10 best MCU movies! Yay!
In the event of Infinity War, I thought it would be good to look back at all the other MCU flicks. As of today, there are 18 MCU films. Let's begin.
10. Captain America: the First Avenger
I like the first Captain America quite a bit. It was fun, a good origin story, and I liked the Howard Stark scenes. That's all I really have to say about it.

9. Captain America: Civil War
Civil War was good. It had emotional drama, great action sequences, and Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and Black Panther. However, it was super long, and the entire premise was a bit stupid. A government document about how saving the day costs more than letting the cities get wasted (Which is false) gets friends who have been together for 4 years to launch tank missiles at each other. There are a lot of other, better, ways this should have ended.
8. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Guardians Vol. 2 was a great film. It was fun, colorful, and had Baby Groot. And honestly, I think this one has a better soundtrack than Vol. 1. Sorry, just my opinion. And it's not that I don't like it, it's just that I don't like it better than the next few films. What I do like about it is the villain, and Yondu's death. It's so rare they kill characters, yet Yondu died :(
7. Ant-Man
Ant-Man was fun. It was funny, smart, and very well put together. Its weakest point was that it had a weak villain. It lived up to the hype and was a good, family friendly film. Paul Rudd did an amazing job as Scott Lang, who I did not know much about until this film. I mostly knew about Hank Pym.
6. Marvel's the Avengers
The Avengers was great. I loved it. It was the first of its superhero kind, bringing together six characters and five films into a lovely, 2 1/2 hour film. However, the characters got better. Thor and Hulk had Ragnarok, and everyone else had Civil War.
Now it just seems like they are missing some of the core parts of them that have been emphasized in the next few films (Like Thor's hair and sparkles). Plus, the costumes. They look worse now than they do in the next movies, which makes it hard to watch.
5. Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange was made all the better by Benedict Cumberbatch. Gosh, he is such a great actor. Everything he does is gripping and amazing (Except maybe the Grinch). However, Marvel was taking some risks. It took one of the oddest characters and made him into a movie, and lucky for them, that movie was AWESOME!!!!!
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy was perhaps an even bigger risk. No, it was definitely bigger. It was about a team of unknowns, and, unlike the Avengers, it had to combine them all in one movie, and not have a Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, and Rocket & Groot movie. And the result was excellent.
It was the first of its wave, a Marvel film focused on fun. And after the Winter Soldier, which to me was very boring and somewhat flimsy (Why not call Hulk? Or bring in the Avengers?) and gloomy, a movie about a talking tree and raccoon.
3. Spider-Man: Homecoming
The sixth Spidey film, Spider-Man: Homecoming was the best. And that's saying a lot, especially because of Spider-Man 2, which was one of the first superhero movies that had a great villain with a great reason. Spider-Man: Homecoming is no different. The badguy, Vulture, was excellent. Kudos to Michael Keaton and his gripping performance.
Tom Holland's Spidey is the best. The costume makes him look awesome, it's set in High School, he has a friend, his aunt isn't 60 years older than him, and he can actually pull off a naive 15 year old (Even if he is 22 or something). It was funny, action packed, and surprisingly touching.
2. Black Panther
Black Panther is in second place, but only by a hair. The reason it's in second place is because of the soundtrack. The original soundtrack was odd and out of place. The Kendrick Lamar soundtrack, however, was what I wanted more of. The actual score was just sucky.
But positives: IT WAS SPECTACULAR. One of the movies best qualities are the cast, the villain, and the fight scenes. Man, the fight scenes. Those were spectacular. Most of the time, by the time you get to the fight scene, you're so worn out it feels long and bloated. But this one was just invigorating. Seeing T'Challa take on his own people, slam the ground, and send them flying was just awesome. Amazing film.
1. Thor: Ragnarok
Thor: Ragnarok was the sequel to one of the worst MCU films, the Dark World. In fact, it was the third in a string of boring Shakespearean superhero movies. However, this one shined. Directed by Taika Waititi, the man who can apparently do no wrong, he did one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

I mean, it's about a God of Lightning who has a magical hammer that lets him fly and is on an alien planet and forced to fight his friend, a giant green monster, in order to return to his home, which his sister with a pointy antler hat is trying to take over.
Why wouldn't it be funny? The plot sounds laughable. Yet it was spectacular. The plot was good, the badguy was good, the effects were good, humor was a definite check, and it had a great score. Amazing score. Mark Mothersbaugh did an amazing job. And, one of the best things about it, it had Korg. Korg was awesome. The soft hearted rock giant with an awesome accent played by Taika Waititi.
In the event of Infinity War, I thought it would be good to look back at all the other MCU flicks. As of today, there are 18 MCU films. Let's begin.

I like the first Captain America quite a bit. It was fun, a good origin story, and I liked the Howard Stark scenes. That's all I really have to say about it.

9. Captain America: Civil War
Civil War was good. It had emotional drama, great action sequences, and Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and Black Panther. However, it was super long, and the entire premise was a bit stupid. A government document about how saving the day costs more than letting the cities get wasted (Which is false) gets friends who have been together for 4 years to launch tank missiles at each other. There are a lot of other, better, ways this should have ended.

7. Ant-Man

6. Marvel's the Avengers

Now it just seems like they are missing some of the core parts of them that have been emphasized in the next few films (Like Thor's hair and sparkles). Plus, the costumes. They look worse now than they do in the next movies, which makes it hard to watch.
5. Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange was made all the better by Benedict Cumberbatch. Gosh, he is such a great actor. Everything he does is gripping and amazing (Except maybe the Grinch). However, Marvel was taking some risks. It took one of the oddest characters and made him into a movie, and lucky for them, that movie was AWESOME!!!!!
4. Guardians of the Galaxy

3. Spider-Man: Homecoming
The sixth Spidey film, Spider-Man: Homecoming was the best. And that's saying a lot, especially because of Spider-Man 2, which was one of the first superhero movies that had a great villain with a great reason. Spider-Man: Homecoming is no different. The badguy, Vulture, was excellent. Kudos to Michael Keaton and his gripping performance.
Tom Holland's Spidey is the best. The costume makes him look awesome, it's set in High School, he has a friend, his aunt isn't 60 years older than him, and he can actually pull off a naive 15 year old (Even if he is 22 or something). It was funny, action packed, and surprisingly touching.
2. Black Panther

But positives: IT WAS SPECTACULAR. One of the movies best qualities are the cast, the villain, and the fight scenes. Man, the fight scenes. Those were spectacular. Most of the time, by the time you get to the fight scene, you're so worn out it feels long and bloated. But this one was just invigorating. Seeing T'Challa take on his own people, slam the ground, and send them flying was just awesome. Amazing film.
1. Thor: Ragnarok

I mean, it's about a God of Lightning who has a magical hammer that lets him fly and is on an alien planet and forced to fight his friend, a giant green monster, in order to return to his home, which his sister with a pointy antler hat is trying to take over.
Why wouldn't it be funny? The plot sounds laughable. Yet it was spectacular. The plot was good, the badguy was good, the effects were good, humor was a definite check, and it had a great score. Amazing score. Mark Mothersbaugh did an amazing job. And, one of the best things about it, it had Korg. Korg was awesome. The soft hearted rock giant with an awesome accent played by Taika Waititi.
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