This is that series, Versus. Today I want to answer a really cool question I thought of: Which Disney Princess is the best?
It will be a five-question quiz that asks things like, "Which has the best songs," or "Which has the best plot?" Each question that the princess gets will be one point. There can be more than one victor (five at the most). The quiz will test the movie, songs, supporting characters (Prince or other), character, and which was the most satisfying to watch. It will be based on Cinderella (Cinderella), Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs), Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Jasmine (Aladdin), Rapunzel (Tangled), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Tiana (the Princess and the Frog), Merida ( Pixar's Brave), Moana (Moana), Anna, Elsa (Frozen), Ariel (the Little Mermaid), Mulan (Mulan), and Pocahontas (Pocahontas). This is, by far, my longest post. I typed it about a year ago
Sleeping Beauty - Aurora is also a really wimpy role model that follows strange corridors in the castle which she didn't even know was hers. Plus, the movie's not even about her. It's all about the Godmothers and the Prince.
Moana - Moana is a really nice princess who purposefully disobeys her father and then ends up saving Maui and the world.
So, points go to Mulan, Merida, Moana, Tiana, and Rapunzel.
Snow White - Does Snow White sing songs? It's an hour and a half and honestly, the only song I remember is Wishing Well (lame) and Hi Ho (It's off to Work we go). Lame songs.
Sleeping Beauty - Sleeping Beauty only has one good song - I Know You. It may also be the only song. Anyway, it's just as good as any other song, but only one good one? Really?

Aladdin - Oh yeah. Aladdin is hands down the best movie song-wise. I love all the songs (with highlights being One Jump Ahead, a Whole New World, and Prince Ali).
Tangled - Tangled had really good songs. Mother Knows Best was hilarious and a really cool song. It had several excellent songs such as I Have a Dream and I See the Light.
Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast had good songs (Be our Guest), it had bad songs (Bonjour). But overall good songs, but just one bad song can ruin a movie.
the Princess and the Frog - the Princess and the Frog had several okay songs, but none of them really got up there like I See the Light and You're Welcome.
Brave - Brave only had one song (Touch the Sky) and I honestly didn't like it that much. Just one middling song and a strong plot still can be a good movie, though.
Moana - Moana had really good songs, my favorite of which was You're Welcome followed by How far I'll go. But other songs just bored me, such as Shiny. I hated Shiny. But now I love it!
Frozen - oh, gee. How can you not like the songs in Frozen? Let It Go, In Summer, all of them, excellent. But Anna didn't have that many great solos.
the Little Mermaid - the Little Mermaid had really good songs, classic songs, and songs that everyone likes (Under da Sea). But other songs just really are ruined by how whiny the main character is (Part of Your World).
Mulan - Mulan had really, really good songs. I loved those songs. I liked the Make a Man out of you, and the Reflection one. Just plain brilliant.
Pocahontas - eaugh. Pocahontas had one okay song (Colors of the Wind). The rest were crap.
So, points. The five winners are Mulan, Jasmine, Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Elsa
Cinderella - Honestly, Prince Charming is lame. He has two lines of dialogue, "No, stop!" "I don't even know you're name!"and after one night at the ball, he forgets what she looks like. Really, just interview all Caucasian, blonde, teenage girls and that would narrow it down a lot.
Jaq and Gus (Short for Octavius) really steal the show, but sometimes the movie seems bogged down from their sideplot.
Snow White - Snow White's prince is just there for almost nothing. He just sees a girl in a coffin and kisses her. Creepy! Really creepy! And the dwarfs are okay. The whole "Wash your hands" scene that was, like, 10 minutes long was WAY too long.
Sleeping Beauty - Sleeping Beauty's prince was actually already betrothed to her and he killed Maleficent, so I think that was really cool.
Aladdin - Aladdin was by far the best other. He was hilarious, was brave, and had a sidekick monkey.
Tangled - Flynn Rider (Eugene Fitz Herbert) is a nice guy with witty comebacks and a really funny smolder.
Beauty and the Beast - Uhh.... no. He captured her father, threw Belle in a dungeon, and she still ends up with him! He did kill Gaston, though. Really, it's Lumiere who is the best. The french sweet talking candelabra steals the show.
the Princess and the Frog - Prince Naveen is ok. He's not good, he's not great, He was funny every now and then. But the croc is great, and so is the firefly (Voiced by Winnie the Pooh).
Brave - Merida does not have a prince, but she does have.... not really a comic relief, either. It's basically her mom and Merida. the Mom is fine. She's okay. Not great, certainly not bad, but it kind of feels like a better rehash of Mulan II (Princess puts aside her kingdom and duties for nothing).
Frozen - Anna has two princes: Hans and Kristoff. Neither one exceeded expectations, except for Hans. I liked how Hans was evil. It was a great twist. Elsa does not have a prince. She has Olaf. And who can beat Olaf? A: No one.
the Little Mermaid - Prince Eric is actually fine. He does almost marry Ursula, but she put a spell on him, so it was okay. He dives into the water and helps defeat Ursula in the end (Stabbing her with a ship), and that was actually heroic.
Mulan - No. Li Shang was just like, she's a woman? No! I hate you all of a sudden. Her three friends prove more trustworthy than him.
Pocahontas - eww. John Smith and John Rolfe are both nasty. They are scum (and sometimes not even historically accurate).
So, points. The five winners are Jasmine, Ariel, Elsa, Sleeping Beauty, and Rapunzel
Snow White - The Evil Queen was kinda sad. Her entire motivation was that someone was prettier than she was. Then she put the ever so gullible Snow White under a curse. Is that the worst she could do?
Sleeping Beauty - Maleficent is evil. She's just not the evil evil I'm looking for (No motivation other than something about plates).
Aladdin - Jafar is truly evil. A desperate plot to take the throne! Thinking about it, you realize that that's not something you see every day in a kid's film. Tricking Aladdin, then making the Genie all evil, that was pure evil.
Tangled - Mother Gothel was an okay villain. I liked her better than most, but she's still not the top-notch villain some of the other's have.
Beauty and the Beast - Gaston was mean. He's the type of arrogant log you might actually meet, making him all the more evil and relate-able.
the Princess and the Frog - Tiana's villain is a skinny dude who gets eaten by voodoo. What kills it for him is that he was TOO creepy.
Brave - Brave doesn't have a real villain. Yeah, it has the bear, but the real villain is Merida. She's the one that refused to do the things that were standard back then, even using a potion on her mom so she wouldn't have to meet the social norm. Then it also had the old witch, but she wasn't really evil.
Moana - Moana's bad guy was more like a superhero bad guy. Evil being that wants to destroy all of creation. Never seen that plot before.
Frozen - Personally, Hans surprised me. I didn't see his betrayal way back when in 2013. Elsa doesn't have a villain, other than her fear, which I thought she didn't have that good of a reason for. Yeah, the troll said "Fear will destroy you," but why? Fortune tellers are rarely right, and the troll didn't even give her any other help, just left her to the will of her idiot parents (Which, according to some theories, are not her birth parents, which explains a lot).
the Little Mermaid - Ursula was great, but why? She has so many unanswered questions! Was she the queen of Atlantis once upon a time? What happened? Just too many questions to make me like her.
Mulan - Mulan's villain is too typical. He challenged my strength. I will kill him. Okay... great motivation.
Pocahontas - This movie screwed up the facts so much that it didn't even mention the real threat to the Native Americans was the deadly diseases carried by the settlers.
So, points. The five winners are Belle, Merida, Jasmine, Cinderella, and Anna.
So, points. The five winners are Jasmine, Moana, Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Mulan.
These are the rankings:
5. Snow White (0), Pocahontas (0)
4. Anna (1), Belle (1), Sleeping Beauty (1), Ariel (1)
3. Elsa (2), Moana (2), Merida (2), Tiana (2)
2. Cinderella (3), Mulan (3)
1. Rapunzel (4), Jasmine (4)
So, this shows multiple winners for the 14 princesses, but for rankings 1-14, that would be up to you. Here's mine:
14. Pocahontas
13. Snow White
12. Ariel
11. Sleeping Beauty
10. Anna
9. Belle
8. Tiana
7. Elsa
6. Moana
5. Merida
4. Mulan
3. Cinderella
2. Jasmine
1. Rapunzel

Let's begin.
1. Which Disney Princess is the best (character wise)?
Cinderella - Cinderella is actually a pretty strong moral figure with iconic scenes/songs and a really sweet personality.
Snow White - Snow White is a horrific role model. She is extremely dated, coming from the 1930s, and all she really does is clean. She can't really do anything and doesn't even support the rule of "Don't take candy (or apples) from strangers."

Aladdin - Jasmine is a really awesome role model. She has a pet tiger (cool) and actually knew Aladdin before deciding in five minutes whether or not to marry him.

Tangled - Rapunzel is a really cool princess. She doesn't whine like most of the others and actually can fight. I really like the Disney Princesses that can fight for themselves.
Beauty and the Beast - I like Belle and all, but is she going through Stockholm syndrome or something? She falls for the Beast so fast, forgetting everything that he did (kidnapping her father, forcing her to live with him, etc. etc.).
the Princess and the Frog - Tiana gives an updated and really coolly directed uptake on the age-old tale. And cooks.
Brave - I already said I really like the Princesses that can kill and defend themselves. She cares about her family and speaks out against arranged marriages, something still going on in parts of the world.

Frozen - Anna is a whiny girl who also believes in the five-minute true love (which turns out to be a bad thing). Elsa is a loner who wants only to be alone (something that we can all relate to).
the Little Mermaid - Ariel is a likable brat. She has royalty, money, food, and a large collection of human stuff. Why isn't she grateful for the stuff she has? Such a brat.
Mulan - Mulan, as I have said, is a princess that kills. She goes to the army for a really good cause. She has awesome music. A hilarious sidekick. She's got it all.
Pocahontas - despite being one of the most inaccurate plots to ever walk Hollywood, she does have pretty strong morals and virtues. She stops a war (which is equally as good as killing the enemy).
So, points go to Mulan, Merida, Moana, Tiana, and Rapunzel.
2. Which have the best songs?
Cinderella - Cinderella has some of the most classical music and some of the best workplace songs. I love the song Bippity Boppity Boo and A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.Snow White - Does Snow White sing songs? It's an hour and a half and honestly, the only song I remember is Wishing Well (lame) and Hi Ho (It's off to Work we go). Lame songs.
Sleeping Beauty - Sleeping Beauty only has one good song - I Know You. It may also be the only song. Anyway, it's just as good as any other song, but only one good one? Really?

Tangled - Tangled had really good songs. Mother Knows Best was hilarious and a really cool song. It had several excellent songs such as I Have a Dream and I See the Light.
Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast had good songs (Be our Guest), it had bad songs (Bonjour). But overall good songs, but just one bad song can ruin a movie.
the Princess and the Frog - the Princess and the Frog had several okay songs, but none of them really got up there like I See the Light and You're Welcome.
Brave - Brave only had one song (Touch the Sky) and I honestly didn't like it that much. Just one middling song and a strong plot still can be a good movie, though.
Moana - Moana had really good songs, my favorite of which was You're Welcome followed by How far I'll go. But other songs just bored me, such as Shiny. I hated Shiny. But now I love it!

the Little Mermaid - the Little Mermaid had really good songs, classic songs, and songs that everyone likes (Under da Sea). But other songs just really are ruined by how whiny the main character is (Part of Your World).
Mulan - Mulan had really, really good songs. I loved those songs. I liked the Make a Man out of you, and the Reflection one. Just plain brilliant.
Pocahontas - eaugh. Pocahontas had one okay song (Colors of the Wind). The rest were crap.
So, points. The five winners are Mulan, Jasmine, Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Elsa
3. Which has the supporting cast?

Jaq and Gus (Short for Octavius) really steal the show, but sometimes the movie seems bogged down from their sideplot.
Snow White - Snow White's prince is just there for almost nothing. He just sees a girl in a coffin and kisses her. Creepy! Really creepy! And the dwarfs are okay. The whole "Wash your hands" scene that was, like, 10 minutes long was WAY too long.
Sleeping Beauty - Sleeping Beauty's prince was actually already betrothed to her and he killed Maleficent, so I think that was really cool.
Aladdin - Aladdin was by far the best other. He was hilarious, was brave, and had a sidekick monkey.
Tangled - Flynn Rider (Eugene Fitz Herbert) is a nice guy with witty comebacks and a really funny smolder.

the Princess and the Frog - Prince Naveen is ok. He's not good, he's not great, He was funny every now and then. But the croc is great, and so is the firefly (Voiced by Winnie the Pooh).
Brave - Merida does not have a prince, but she does have.... not really a comic relief, either. It's basically her mom and Merida. the Mom is fine. She's okay. Not great, certainly not bad, but it kind of feels like a better rehash of Mulan II (Princess puts aside her kingdom and duties for nothing).
Frozen - Anna has two princes: Hans and Kristoff. Neither one exceeded expectations, except for Hans. I liked how Hans was evil. It was a great twist. Elsa does not have a prince. She has Olaf. And who can beat Olaf? A: No one.
the Little Mermaid - Prince Eric is actually fine. He does almost marry Ursula, but she put a spell on him, so it was okay. He dives into the water and helps defeat Ursula in the end (Stabbing her with a ship), and that was actually heroic.
Mulan - No. Li Shang was just like, she's a woman? No! I hate you all of a sudden. Her three friends prove more trustworthy than him.
Pocahontas - eww. John Smith and John Rolfe are both nasty. They are scum (and sometimes not even historically accurate).
So, points. The five winners are Jasmine, Ariel, Elsa, Sleeping Beauty, and Rapunzel
4. Who has the best villain?
Cinderella - Lady Tremaine was evil. And so were her daughters. She's just so mean, the kind of person that inspires stereotypes of mean old stepmoms. You just felt so happy when Cinderella was like, "Oh, you wanna play? I have the other slipper! IN YOUR FACE!"Snow White - The Evil Queen was kinda sad. Her entire motivation was that someone was prettier than she was. Then she put the ever so gullible Snow White under a curse. Is that the worst she could do?
Sleeping Beauty - Maleficent is evil. She's just not the evil evil I'm looking for (No motivation other than something about plates).
Aladdin - Jafar is truly evil. A desperate plot to take the throne! Thinking about it, you realize that that's not something you see every day in a kid's film. Tricking Aladdin, then making the Genie all evil, that was pure evil.

Beauty and the Beast - Gaston was mean. He's the type of arrogant log you might actually meet, making him all the more evil and relate-able.
the Princess and the Frog - Tiana's villain is a skinny dude who gets eaten by voodoo. What kills it for him is that he was TOO creepy.
Brave - Brave doesn't have a real villain. Yeah, it has the bear, but the real villain is Merida. She's the one that refused to do the things that were standard back then, even using a potion on her mom so she wouldn't have to meet the social norm. Then it also had the old witch, but she wasn't really evil.

Frozen - Personally, Hans surprised me. I didn't see his betrayal way back when in 2013. Elsa doesn't have a villain, other than her fear, which I thought she didn't have that good of a reason for. Yeah, the troll said "Fear will destroy you," but why? Fortune tellers are rarely right, and the troll didn't even give her any other help, just left her to the will of her idiot parents (Which, according to some theories, are not her birth parents, which explains a lot).
the Little Mermaid - Ursula was great, but why? She has so many unanswered questions! Was she the queen of Atlantis once upon a time? What happened? Just too many questions to make me like her.
Mulan - Mulan's villain is too typical. He challenged my strength. I will kill him. Okay... great motivation.

So, points. The five winners are Belle, Merida, Jasmine, Cinderella, and Anna.
5. Which was the most satisfying to watch?
Cinderella - Cinderella is a classic. It just gives you the idea of what a Disney Princess should be, more so than the fair Snow White.
Snow White - The best part of Snow White is that it's short. Other than that, Snow White is quite gullible, the Evil Queen's motivation is off, and the best part of it is all the side comic relief.
Sleeping Beauty - Sleeping Beauty was actually ill-received by critics when it first came out for Aurora being too feminine. Watching the film, I can see that. The film is okay. Again, the comic relief is why you watch it.
Aladdin - Aladdin is wholly satisfying to watch. The music is amazing, the plot is great, and the characters are classic
Tangled - Tangled is also amazing. The characters are great, the princess is great, and the prince/thief is great.
Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast is okay. It's a great film, I love it, but when you reflect on it, you are just left wondering, Is Belle going through Stockholm Syndrome?
the Princess and the Frog - the Princess and the Frog is fun to watch. It's funny to see a Disney princess as not a human. I love the characters, the setting, and I especially like the songs.
Brave - Brave is funny, it has a great plot, but it's too creepy to watch just for fun. You gotta be in a certain mood.
Moana - Moana has great songs, lush animation, and, whilst it has a weak villain, everything is great.
Frozen - Frozen was too hyped over. It wasn't as good as Tangled, and the only reason I watch it is for Olaf.

the Little Mermaid - The Little Mermaid's songs are great, and I really like Sebastian, but Ariel is just so whiny. It makes her entire motivation off.
Mulan - Mulan is fun, hilarious, and full of great songs. Supported by the great voicing of Mushu, and the amazing soundtrack, it pulls off to be a spectacular film.
Pocahontas - No. Pocahontas is too historically inaccurate to make watching it fun.

Sleeping Beauty - Sleeping Beauty was actually ill-received by critics when it first came out for Aurora being too feminine. Watching the film, I can see that. The film is okay. Again, the comic relief is why you watch it.
Aladdin - Aladdin is wholly satisfying to watch. The music is amazing, the plot is great, and the characters are classic
Tangled - Tangled is also amazing. The characters are great, the princess is great, and the prince/thief is great.
Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast is okay. It's a great film, I love it, but when you reflect on it, you are just left wondering, Is Belle going through Stockholm Syndrome?

Brave - Brave is funny, it has a great plot, but it's too creepy to watch just for fun. You gotta be in a certain mood.
Moana - Moana has great songs, lush animation, and, whilst it has a weak villain, everything is great.
Frozen - Frozen was too hyped over. It wasn't as good as Tangled, and the only reason I watch it is for Olaf.
the Little Mermaid - The Little Mermaid's songs are great, and I really like Sebastian, but Ariel is just so whiny. It makes her entire motivation off.
Mulan - Mulan is fun, hilarious, and full of great songs. Supported by the great voicing of Mushu, and the amazing soundtrack, it pulls off to be a spectacular film.
Pocahontas - No. Pocahontas is too historically inaccurate to make watching it fun.
So, points. The five winners are Jasmine, Moana, Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Mulan.
These are the rankings:
5. Snow White (0), Pocahontas (0)
4. Anna (1), Belle (1), Sleeping Beauty (1), Ariel (1)
3. Elsa (2), Moana (2), Merida (2), Tiana (2)
2. Cinderella (3), Mulan (3)
1. Rapunzel (4), Jasmine (4)
So, this shows multiple winners for the 14 princesses, but for rankings 1-14, that would be up to you. Here's mine:
14. Pocahontas
13. Snow White
12. Ariel
11. Sleeping Beauty
10. Anna
9. Belle
8. Tiana
7. Elsa
6. Moana
5. Merida
4. Mulan
3. Cinderella
2. Jasmine
1. Rapunzel
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