Alright! Today I am answering an age old question - What Spider-Man is the best? We all know the answer, though - Not Andrew Garfield.
Question #1:
Who captures the spirit of Spider-Man the best?
Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man admittedly did not have a lot of wit or funny lines. In fact, when he did say funny things, they felt out of place with his character. But his motivation and portrayal is spot on.
Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man was a jerk. He let Uncle Ben die for a jug of milk? He did not portray the loserness that Peter Parker is. Peter Parker is a loser, and he doesn't get the girl on the first try.
Tom Holland's Spider-Man is actually great. He's not dark and gloomy like Andrew Garfield's, and he's a bit more fun and flashy than Tobey Maguire's. He is a high schooler who fights crime. His funny lines feel in place. He's nervous when speaking to the girl. He references Star Wars. What's not to like?
Question #2:
Which has the best movie?
Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 are amazing. The characters, the storylines, and the casting are like they took a Spider-Man comic and turned it into a movie. Spider-Man 2 is amazing. Spider-Man 3 knocks the series down, however. Spider-Man 3 isn't as awful as people say it is. But it is overstuffed, boring, and LONG. It was able to take characters and plotlines and smoosh them into oblivion.
The Amazing Spider-Man and its sequel suck. End of discussion. Aunt May is younger, the characters are askew, their motivations off, their badguys bland and forgettable.
The highlight of Civil War was Holland's Spider-Man. Spider-Man: Homecoming succeeds because it keeps the goals small. The badguy just wants to support his family. Spider-Man wants to be more than just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man but ultimately decides that that's what's best. Some of Infinity War's best moments are from Spidey. And Spider-Man: Far From Home, if it's anything like Homecoming, will succeed.
Question #3:
Which has the best suit?
Tobey Maguire's suit looks weird. The webbing is weird, and it's definitely not something a high schooler could make.
Andrew Garfields's suit is like Maguire's, except it's darker. Even the eyes are darker. Why? Why would you make Spider-Man dark? Oh yeah - the Dark Knight trilogy rolled in dough.
Tom Holland's suit is amazing. It's bright, its eyes get bigger and smaller, and it just looks so nice. I do think that putting a Jarvis knockoff in it was a bit much, but taser webs, the web grenade, and the reflecting waves are just like the comics. And the comics have the best Spider-Man. Peter's homemade suit also looks great, and like something a high schooler could actually make.
Question #4:
Which has the best villain?
Tobey Maguire's villains are either stereotypes or amazing. The Green Goblin, first of all, looks awful in his suit. And his motivations are so typical. Now, Doc Ock. That's a villain. Venom, Sandman, and Green Goblin 2, they're all okay. Venom would've been better if he didn't reveal Eddie Brock's face every time he spoke.
Andrew Garfield's villains were forgettable. The Lizard, while it's cool to see him on screen, his motivation was - let me guess - evil? Never seen that before. Electro I liked a bit better because he actually liked Spider-Man before he was a badguy. But then he didn't like Spidey because.... the plot needed him to? Then Green Goblin was just weird. And sad. And gross. What were they going for, exactly?
Tom Holland's villain, the Vulture, offered a more updated look at one of the weirdest villains in Marvel comics. Michael Keaton did a great job as the Vulture, transforming him from a old guy in spandex to a scary and super tense man who wants to support his family. Hopefully Jake Gyllenhaal is able to make Mysterio amazing as well.
Question #5:
Box office and Critical Reviews
Tobey Maguire's box office receipts are great. Spider-Man earned good reviews, calling it a reshaping of the superhero film, and made about $820 million - Amazing, considering how much movies made back then. Spider-Man 2 earned rave reviews, being called one of the greatest superhero movies ever, alongside the likes of Black Panther, Wonder Woman, and Logan. Spider-Man 2 also grossed the lowest out of Sam Raimi's trilogy. Spider-Man 3 is hated. Critics called it "Okay" and audiences just totally hate it. Oddly enough, it is the highest grossing Spider-Man film as of 2018.
Andrew Garfield's first film, the Amazing Spider-Man, performed a bit less than amazing. Critics called it "Meh" and disposable, and it's box office was less than the lowest grossing of Sam Raimi's trilogy (Spider-Man 2). The Amazing Spider-Man 2 undermined expectations on both fronts. Box office was
less than hopeful, and critical response was actually negative.
Tom Holland's Spider-Man: Homecoming earned great reviews, calling it better than Andrew Garfield's films, and better than Spider-Man 3 and Spider-Man. It is the second highest grossing Spider-Man film (Behind Spider-Man 3).
Alright! The total scorecard is this:
Sam Raimi's Trilogy - Won #3, #5.
Andrew Garfield's two films - Bupkiss
Tom Holland's one and a half films - Won #1, #2, #4
So, Tom Holland's Spidey wins, followed closely by Tobey Maguire's, and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man films should probably either be burnt or forgotten.
Question #1:
Who captures the spirit of Spider-Man the best?

Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man was a jerk. He let Uncle Ben die for a jug of milk? He did not portray the loserness that Peter Parker is. Peter Parker is a loser, and he doesn't get the girl on the first try.
Tom Holland's Spider-Man is actually great. He's not dark and gloomy like Andrew Garfield's, and he's a bit more fun and flashy than Tobey Maguire's. He is a high schooler who fights crime. His funny lines feel in place. He's nervous when speaking to the girl. He references Star Wars. What's not to like?
Question #2:
Which has the best movie?

The Amazing Spider-Man and its sequel suck. End of discussion. Aunt May is younger, the characters are askew, their motivations off, their badguys bland and forgettable.
The highlight of Civil War was Holland's Spider-Man. Spider-Man: Homecoming succeeds because it keeps the goals small. The badguy just wants to support his family. Spider-Man wants to be more than just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man but ultimately decides that that's what's best. Some of Infinity War's best moments are from Spidey. And Spider-Man: Far From Home, if it's anything like Homecoming, will succeed.
Question #3:
Which has the best suit?

Andrew Garfields's suit is like Maguire's, except it's darker. Even the eyes are darker. Why? Why would you make Spider-Man dark? Oh yeah - the Dark Knight trilogy rolled in dough.
Tom Holland's suit is amazing. It's bright, its eyes get bigger and smaller, and it just looks so nice. I do think that putting a Jarvis knockoff in it was a bit much, but taser webs, the web grenade, and the reflecting waves are just like the comics. And the comics have the best Spider-Man. Peter's homemade suit also looks great, and like something a high schooler could actually make.
Question #4:
Which has the best villain?
Tobey Maguire's villains are either stereotypes or amazing. The Green Goblin, first of all, looks awful in his suit. And his motivations are so typical. Now, Doc Ock. That's a villain. Venom, Sandman, and Green Goblin 2, they're all okay. Venom would've been better if he didn't reveal Eddie Brock's face every time he spoke.
Andrew Garfield's villains were forgettable. The Lizard, while it's cool to see him on screen, his motivation was - let me guess - evil? Never seen that before. Electro I liked a bit better because he actually liked Spider-Man before he was a badguy. But then he didn't like Spidey because.... the plot needed him to? Then Green Goblin was just weird. And sad. And gross. What were they going for, exactly?

Question #5:
Box office and Critical Reviews
Tobey Maguire's box office receipts are great. Spider-Man earned good reviews, calling it a reshaping of the superhero film, and made about $820 million - Amazing, considering how much movies made back then. Spider-Man 2 earned rave reviews, being called one of the greatest superhero movies ever, alongside the likes of Black Panther, Wonder Woman, and Logan. Spider-Man 2 also grossed the lowest out of Sam Raimi's trilogy. Spider-Man 3 is hated. Critics called it "Okay" and audiences just totally hate it. Oddly enough, it is the highest grossing Spider-Man film as of 2018.

less than hopeful, and critical response was actually negative.
Tom Holland's Spider-Man: Homecoming earned great reviews, calling it better than Andrew Garfield's films, and better than Spider-Man 3 and Spider-Man. It is the second highest grossing Spider-Man film (Behind Spider-Man 3).
Alright! The total scorecard is this:
Sam Raimi's Trilogy - Won #3, #5.
Andrew Garfield's two films - Bupkiss
Tom Holland's one and a half films - Won #1, #2, #4
So, Tom Holland's Spidey wins, followed closely by Tobey Maguire's, and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man films should probably either be burnt or forgotten.
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