First of all, the title is a bit misleading; All Grindelwald does in this film is hold a rally, cover a city in curtains, and kill one or two people as he escaped a flying prison carriage.
The movie starts out with Grindelwald being moved to a secure prison, and *Gasp!* he escapes and starts a new revolution!
Wouldn't have guessed that.
Also, Grindelwald is not Voldemort. Voldemort believes that muggles should be killed for sport. Grindelwald believes wizards should rule over them.
Here's a spoiler-free review:
Crimes of Grindelwald isn't awful - in fact, I believe it to be slightly better than the first one. Unfortunately, it has so many subplots, the Niffler, Dumbledore, and Grindelwald are sidelined.
It's filled to the brim with new characters I don't care about, and its entire first act is extremely boring.
On the plus side, it has Hogwarts, Dumbledore, Nifflers, and the everlasting charm of Eddie Redmayne as the slightly autistic, magic zoologist, Hufflepuff-and-proud Newt Scamander.
Spoiler-Filled review:
Okay, some main issues I have with the movie is that it breaks Harry Potter canon, for three reasons:
1. Obscurials
Obscurials are repressed wizards. Why wasn't Harry Potter an obscurial?
2. Nice Nagini?
Nagini is in this movie as mostly a costume, but also a human, who can apparently live for about 110 years.
3. Timing

4. Nice and not white pureblood?
In this film, Leta Lestrange is introduced, giving me some interesting questions, like, "I thought all purebloods were white!" and "I thought all purebloods were evil!"
But there are also some things about the movie that don't make sense, like if Grindelwald thought Credence was a squib, and then was trapped in a cell for the space between movies, how did he know that Credence was Dumbledore's brother?
And, most of the movie exists to either give us flashes to back when the franchise was about children or to set up future sequels.
One thing I did really like about the movie though, was Dumbledore, as cool as ever, Grindelwald, no, I don't care that Johnny Depp played him, Nifflers, the porg of the 1920s, Jacob Kowalski, the lovable No-Maj, and Queenie.
In this film, Queenie Goldstein has quite a bit of development. She confunds Jacob until he marries her, and then she runs off and bumps into Grindelwald, and is quite at ease with his idea of a society where she could marry a No-Maj, and then makes her choice -- she actually sticks with Grindelwald. I was not expecting that. In fact, it was a scene that almost made me cry when she decided to stick with Grindelwald, and then seeing Jacob's reaction.
The movie was not bad. It also wasn't amazing. It was about Deathly Hallows Part One material - mostly a prelude, but still exciting.
I give it about a 7 out of 10.
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