Basically. The Meg is an obvious movie movie - It's not going for Best Picture, and it's not going for cinematic achievement, it just wants money. It's mostly set in China and Vietnam to appeal to those areas of the world, and also appeals to us Americans by having the main character ride the Meg and then stab it through the eye with a harpoon.
Incredibly, the film has jumpscares, which is weird, when Megaladons are 18 feet long and could grow up to 60 feet long.
Another incredible thing about the film is Pippin. Pippin the Dog is perhaps the most relatable character in the entire film. I am hoping for a spin-off about Pippin.
Pippin the Dog: A Meg Story
The movie switches tone from laughing to scary to somber, and that's really odd.Basically, the Meg is not an excellent movie, and really misses out on one important thing: The Meg did not jump out of the water and eat a helicopter. It could've, but it didn't. For no reason.
However, the movie grossed $530 million, so what do I know?
All that negative stuff I mentioned didn't really bother me, so I just wanted to point that out. Also, this post probably feels really disjointed and doesn't read well altogether, and that's basically what the Meg is like, so... yeah.
Rating: 7/10, "The Meg is a lot of fun, crazy, and has all the off-the-wall shark stuff you'd expect from the guy who made National Treasure."
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