So yeah.
Captain Marvel is a good movie. Not great, but it was mostly filler for that space between Infinity War and Endgame that had to be made for Endgame to make sense. It's like one of the prequel comics they have that release alongside the movies.
But, let's talk about the movie.
How is Brie Larson as Captain Marvel?
Brie Larson is a pretty cool actress... but Captain Marvel is probably our most one-dimensional hero since Thor came out in 2011. In fact, this movie is basically on the same "Grim composure"
scale as Thor, but better, because this one has a lot of laughs.
Is it a Thor: Ragnarok or Guardians type of MCU space movie?
It is neither. This film creates a new type of MCU space movie: The epic. It's not funny; it's not flashy; in fact, most of it's not in space. But the space parts we do see are very boring and muddled and confusing.
What happens on Earth?

Goose the Cat needs his own paragraph to describe how awesome he is; he is, by far, the most powerful and funny character in a superhero film ever. See the film for Goose the Cat.
How is the badguy?
The badguy is Talos, a Skrull. Talos is cool, portrayed by villain VIP Ben Mendelsohn, is not the best villain I've ever seen, but better than most Marvel villains. He's really funny. Or at least he tries to be. Another ultimate villain is Jude Law's character, Yon-Rogg. Jude Law is cool, but completely underused in this film.
Supreme Intelligence?

How is the action?
Listen, Captain Marvel is so ridiculously overpowered the action climax is literally, like, five minutes long.
Totally dope.
It's like in Solo, where literally every character other than the main one is more interesting. Also, to make her origin story different, she has amnesia, but since you've seen the trailer about 100 times, you already know what happened before she got her amnesia. I say it's average, but it's MCU average, which is still very, very good.
Rating: 6/10
"Not the best Marvel movie, but also not the worst one you've seen, Captain Marvel definitively defines the middle ground as just average. It is so average, you probably could've skipped it and been fine, but if you want Endgame to make sense, you better watch this. Also, Goose the Cat is amazing. Spin-off, please."
Also, I'm not going to throw shade between this movie and Shazam!, but Shazam! looks a lot better, through better promotional material to a sense of fun. But I won't judge until I see Shazam!

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