A Very Solemn Tragedy Has Occurred...

Alright. Today at around 18:40 CEST, Notre-Dame Cathedral caught on fire. Right now, it seems unclear what the extent of the damage will be, but the spire and most of the roof are gone. What a shame.
Image result for Notre-Dame
Notre-Dame is perhaps the greatest piece of French architecture, and the fact it's burning down due to renovation is extremely sad. One of the three famous rose windows is now gone.

Perhaps sadder is our president's response. Donald Trump tweeted, "So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!"
Bro, that's not how burning buildings work. Their structural integrity is severely damaged, and for a wooden roof like Notre-Dame's, that would basically destroy the structure. Luckily, French firemen have informed the president of his mistake (Something I never should have had to say).Areas of Notre Dame cathedral that have been damaged
