Alright... Let's talk about it. Avengers: Endgame is here. This 3 hour long epic is finally here. 11 years after the first Iron Man, the thing I have practically built my entire personality around, is here.
Okay, so section one will be filled with no spoilers and really nice things, and the second section will consist of spoiler-heavy scenes that made me feel something.
Okay, so Avengers: Endgame, the culmination of the MCU is here, and it is amazing. Like, it's so epic. I hardly noticed that it was three hours long. All I know is that I watched it, and then I left feeling sad; you know why?
Because I have been waiting for this. I have been hyping this up as the Endgame since 2011 when I saw Thor, this is what I have been waiting for. And I am so happy. And sad.
Okay, that didn't make sense.
Endgame actually almost made me cry. All movies have a final fight. This one's final fight is basically what I've been waiting for my ENTIRE life. Hyped up fanboy over here.
Basically, go see the movie.
Overall rating: 10/10, "Superb in every sense of the word, Avengers: Endgame is the climax of everything, the best, most epic, and most emotional movie ever."
What do I do, now that they're gone?
Overall rating: 9/10, "Superb in every sense of the word, Avengers: Endgame is the climax of not only the MCU, but also what feels like my entire life."
Okay, so section one will be filled with no spoilers and really nice things, and the second section will consist of spoiler-heavy scenes that made me feel something.
Okay, so Avengers: Endgame, the culmination of the MCU is here, and it is amazing. Like, it's so epic. I hardly noticed that it was three hours long. All I know is that I watched it, and then I left feeling sad; you know why?
Because I have been waiting for this. I have been hyping this up as the Endgame since 2011 when I saw Thor, this is what I have been waiting for. And I am so happy. And sad.
Okay, that didn't make sense.
Endgame actually almost made me cry. All movies have a final fight. This one's final fight is basically what I've been waiting for my ENTIRE life. Hyped up fanboy over here.
Basically, go see the movie.
Overall rating: 10/10, "Superb in every sense of the word, Avengers: Endgame is the climax of everything, the best, most epic, and most emotional movie ever."
Okay, so you know how most reviews have, like, absolutely no space between the spoiler-free and spoiler-filled sections, so that if you read the spoiler-free section, you're bound to pick up something, or accidentally glance down?
Well, fear no more.
For the spoiler-filled section, please scroll down.

Okay, was that enough?
What I would like to talk specifically about is the deaths in this film. All of them; there's six.
Thanos again
Chris Hemsworth's glorious Thor: Ragnarok Thor.
2014 Nebula
Black Widow
Iron Man
In the film, Thanos dies in the first 20 minutes. It blew my mind. I had no idea what the rest of the movie would be about, and then BOOM! It's five years later, and we meet the second casualty; After going for the head, Thor is depressed and a drinker. In fact, he's got a bit of a belly and has long hair and a beard now. This made me really sad. Chris Hemsworth's abs are, like, a defining feature of the MCU.
Then they go on a time travel plot. Yadda yadda, basically you can skip the entire next hour of this movie knowing they get all the Infintiy Stones. But you'd miss all the fun and sometimes sad cameos, including:
Jane Foster
Peter Quill
Howard Stark
Peggy Carter
The OG Jarvis
Alexander Pierce
Red Skull
Stan Lee
That's a lot. You would also miss how Black Widow sacrifices herself to get the Soul Stone, and that Mjolnir comes back.
Now, please don't spoil this in weird places, because that happened to me. I was just looking at the new MIB: International trailer's comments, and someone said that Tony Stark died. And I was sad. It was the day I was seeing the film, too.
I still cried.
Anyways, they assemble a new Infinity Gauntlet, which Professor Hulk snaps to bring all the dead back. They then have one of the coolest fights in the MCU; Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor against Thanos, where it is revealed that Captain America can wield Mjolnir, which he uses for the coolest one on one fight ever. Then his shield is destroyed and Thanos almost kills him, and then, at the last minute, all of the characters come back.
And Thanos and his army just look at them. They just look, they don't even fight. But whatever, 'cause it was awesome.
That leads to the frame we've been waiting for; A shot of all of the Avengers, including: Doctor Strange, Wong, all of the sorcerers, Shuri, M'Baku, T'Challa, and all of the Wakandans, the dead Avengers, Falcon, Bucky Barnes, the dead Guardians, and Spider-Man, the Ravagers, the New Asgardians, Valkyrie, Korg, and Miek.
This scene is so gratifying. It's amazing. It's inspiring. It's what I've wanted ever since forever.
And then, Captain Marvel (With a comic accurate haircut) arrives in the fight. Her reveal is super cool; all of the guns just stop pointing at the Avengers and then at the sky as she blows up the main badguy ship, causing Thanos to show emotion, something we've never seen before.
And then it basically comes down to Iron Man vs Thanos, which ends in Iron Man getting the Infinity Stones and snapping Thanos and his forces to ashes.
But then, the power of the stones kills Tony. He dies after Peter Parker and Pepper Potts say goodbye to him. This is the scene that made me cry. Congratulations, Marvel.

After the final fight, we get a super sad scene; the funeral of Tony Stark. You see, Tony had a daughter, Morgan, and she's about 4. And earlier in the movie, she says "I love you 3000." The funeral ends with a hologram video of Tony telling his daughter that he loves her 3000 as well.
But the funeral's sad too; you see all the MCU characters, basically, but most notably, Peter, Pepper, Harley (the kid, now teen, from Iron Man 3), a now sad Happy Hogan, and Nick Fury all sad.
After that, Captain America goes back in time to return the stones to their proper times and locations, and stays behind in the 40s with Peggy Carter and gets to have his one dance with her.
Unfortunately, Peggy Carter and how much Steve missed her were foreshadowed heavily in this film, so... it was pretty easy to figure out.
But then an elderly Steve Rogers passes his shield on to Falcon, and the film ends.
It broke my heart.
And now, the event my entire life has been leading up to is over, and I feel a void where my heart should be. What do I do next?
This scene is so gratifying. It's amazing. It's inspiring. It's what I've wanted ever since forever.
And then, Captain Marvel (With a comic accurate haircut) arrives in the fight. Her reveal is super cool; all of the guns just stop pointing at the Avengers and then at the sky as she blows up the main badguy ship, causing Thanos to show emotion, something we've never seen before.
And then it basically comes down to Iron Man vs Thanos, which ends in Iron Man getting the Infinity Stones and snapping Thanos and his forces to ashes.
But then, the power of the stones kills Tony. He dies after Peter Parker and Pepper Potts say goodbye to him. This is the scene that made me cry. Congratulations, Marvel.

After the final fight, we get a super sad scene; the funeral of Tony Stark. You see, Tony had a daughter, Morgan, and she's about 4. And earlier in the movie, she says "I love you 3000." The funeral ends with a hologram video of Tony telling his daughter that he loves her 3000 as well.
But the funeral's sad too; you see all the MCU characters, basically, but most notably, Peter, Pepper, Harley (the kid, now teen, from Iron Man 3), a now sad Happy Hogan, and Nick Fury all sad.
After that, Captain America goes back in time to return the stones to their proper times and locations, and stays behind in the 40s with Peggy Carter and gets to have his one dance with her.
Unfortunately, Peggy Carter and how much Steve missed her were foreshadowed heavily in this film, so... it was pretty easy to figure out.
But then an elderly Steve Rogers passes his shield on to Falcon, and the film ends.
It broke my heart.
And now, the event my entire life has been leading up to is over, and I feel a void where my heart should be. What do I do next?
What do I do, now that they're gone?
Overall rating: 9/10, "Superb in every sense of the word, Avengers: Endgame is the climax of not only the MCU, but also what feels like my entire life."
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