Batwoman combines two of Hollywood's favorite post-2010s gimmicks: The gender-swapped version of the male hero and the LGBTQ+ lead. Not Jewish, though. I guess they forgot about that part of the character (You can't take all these painstaking steps to promote equality and then not even follow through on one of the few Jewish superheroes! Who approved that?).
The trailer mentions that she is a woman about four times, and has meme-worthy quotes such as "It will be... when it fits a woman," "The hero is her," "I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work," "Batman gave up on us," and the trailer song is trashy pop music, with the chorus being, "I'm a woman." The trailer was released three days ago and has garnered 68k likes, and 282k dislikes.
And the YouTube comment section is roasting them alive for it.
They deleted most of the funny ones from the first day it was posted, so here are the best ones I can find:
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