Alright! Today I'm doing my Top 17 Favorite Films. These are not the best films, just my favorites. For me, that's usually defined by how many times I can watch them without getting tired of them. Or if I cried during them (Those'll be highlighted in blue).

And it's not just my fanboy self who put it on this list. The movie really is excellent.
Crying Moment: The death, funeral, and video hologram of Tony Stark.
Side note: This beat Infinity War because of the "Avengers: Assemble" scene and rewatch value. Both made me cry, though.
Cool Moment: Boyfriend #3
Back to the Future is a classic movie. The special effects are still pretty good, the comedic timing is spot on, and Michael J. Fox is magnificent. I feel like I could watch this movie again and again and still laugh at all the stuff. The movie is timeless.
Cool Moment: Anything involving George McFly is hilarious.
Want another timeless movie? The Lion King. The Lion King is one of my favorite films. The music is incredible (I love you, Elton John), the animation is classic, and Mufassa. Mufassa is my favorite film dad by a long shot. And it's kinda cool it's getting a live action remake, but it just won't be the same.
Crying Moment: Simba trying to wake his dad up after he dies
I've asked a lot of my schoolmates, and none of them seem to have seen Life of Pi. This is one of the only movies that is better than the book. Life of Pi is about a boy who is stranded on a lifeboat after his ship sinks and his family dies, and on this lifeboat is a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. The cinematography exceeds expectations. The film is a VFX masterpiece. The score is awesome. The scenes are breathtaking. And, to boot, there's a strong religious theme which really works.
Crying Moment: Pi yells at God about all that he's lost. And the score. The score give me feels all over.
The Dark Knight is truly incredible. I could watch this movie again and again and it's still interesting. I have. Obviously, kudos to Heath Ledger for being basically the greatest movie villain of all time. But also, props to Christian Bale for being my favorite Batman, Michael Caine for being Michael Caine, and Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon.
Like, seriously, focus on Gary Oldman. His praise is really overlooked because of Ledger's performance, but this film made me love Jim Gordon. One of the only comic books I've read is the Long Halloween, an excellent comic book about Batman and a serial killer named Holiday.
But a finer point of the comic is the sweetness that goes into Jim's life. His wife. His love for his kids.
He's one of the best DC characters because he has a family. His stakes are real. Every time he reports to work, especially in Gotham, or helps Batman, not only is he risking his life, but not seeing his kids again. And the climax of this film, his family is taken from him. And Gary Oldman gives the most real performance of Jim Gordon that will ever happen.
Crying Moment: Two-Face kidnaps Jim Gordon's son and decides to teach Gordon what is feels like to talk to the person you love most when you know that they're about to die, shoots Batman, and then Jim Gordon apologizes and takes the blame for Rachels' death. And the score.
Side note: The reason the Dark Knight Rises is not on this list is because it ruined the family dynamic of Jim Gordon and is half an hour too long.
This is one where I didn't cry. It's just awesome. It had dinosaurs. It has Chris Pratt. It has a functioning park. It's really on the list because it's just cool.
Cool Moment: Chris Pratt rides on a motorcycle next to Velociraptors. Need I say more?
From the studio that brought you the Emoji Movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a perfectly balanced film; animation, check. Humor, check. Heartstring tugs? Check. Spider-Man, check. It hits all the bases. It's basically perfect.
The movie didn't make me cry, per se, but it did give me chills. Like, serious chills. Awesome chills.
Cool Moment: The "What's Up Danger?" scene, the Kingpin flashback, "I won't let Spider-Man die," and the final fight.

Cool Moment: The train fight
Cool Moment: The Duel of the Fates
So... WALL-E. Surprisingly, the only Pixar film on here, even though I do cry during most of them. WALL-E is one of my favorite childhood movies.
Sure, I'm 14, but honestly, I have seen so much history in just a decade; Computers are thin, the iPhone, the iPad, digital effects, compute animation, the first black president, the first orange president, gay rights, and Tesla cars. So I have seen a lot.
But I'm talking about a kid's movie right now. So, there was a time in my life when every Sunday I would watch WALL-E. Like, for a year. I would just not tire of it. And, looking back on it, this film is incredible. It's for little kids, has no dialogue in the first half, and then is all science-fiction for the next? It's incredible the movie made $533 million. Kids are not known for liking these things.
Crying Moment: When Wall-E sacrifices himself to save everyone, and then when Eve tries to build him again and his mind has been wiped.
So, the original Jurassic Park is on this list as well. Jurassic Park still holds up to this day. Sure, the movie's 26 years old now, but it's still excellent. The special effects are still awesome, and every character in here is distinct. Sure, I sound like a weird YouTube video, but every single character in this adventure is distinct. Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm, the kids, John Hammond, and Samuel L. Jackson are all very distinct and classic characters.
And it's scary. Like, actually scary. I never thought of it as a scary movie, but it is scary.
Cool Moment: The T-Rex escapes.
Cool Moment: Winnie the Pooh asks Christopher Robin if he will be remembered.
Honestly, I did not expect to cry during this film. But the climax of the film, when Cillian Murphy opens his father's safe, I really expected him to just look at some papers. But no, it was the pinwheel that was mentioned earlier in the film. His reaction to it and then the father dying really hit me hard.
It basically added an entire layer of depth to the movie and to Cillian Murphy's character.
Other than that, the action is immense, the plot is spectacular, the idea is ingenious... it's not often an original movie happens in Hollywood, but it happened. And it made, like, $830 million.
Crying Moment: When Cillian Murphy opens the safe and sees his pinwheel that his father actually kept.

Crying Moment: During the opening song, the Mother leaves her baby in order to save him. It was sad.
There you are. My favorite films. You probably didn't care. In fact, you probably didn't make it to the end of this article.

Avengers: Endgame
Alright! One movie I will love forever is Avengers: Endgame. The result of my childhood. Literally, my childhood, my personality, was influenced in some or all ways by the Avengers. And this was the culmination of that. Hype. Speculation. 7 years of waiting. And, that scene where the Avengers come back, and "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE" is finally said is one of the greatest scenes of cinema. Ever.And it's not just my fanboy self who put it on this list. The movie really is excellent.
Crying Moment: The death, funeral, and video hologram of Tony Stark.
Side note: This beat Infinity War because of the "Avengers: Assemble" scene and rewatch value. Both made me cry, though.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Alright! Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, the quirky 2010 comedy be Edgar Wright, is definitely one of my favorite films. It's hilarious, the style is insane, and the film just all around rocks. I was able to watch this three times in four days and I'm not tired of it.Cool Moment: Boyfriend #3
Back to the Future
Back to the Future is a classic movie. The special effects are still pretty good, the comedic timing is spot on, and Michael J. Fox is magnificent. I feel like I could watch this movie again and again and still laugh at all the stuff. The movie is timeless.Cool Moment: Anything involving George McFly is hilarious.
the Lion King
Want another timeless movie? The Lion King. The Lion King is one of my favorite films. The music is incredible (I love you, Elton John), the animation is classic, and Mufassa. Mufassa is my favorite film dad by a long shot. And it's kinda cool it's getting a live action remake, but it just won't be the same.Crying Moment: Simba trying to wake his dad up after he dies
Life of Pi
I've asked a lot of my schoolmates, and none of them seem to have seen Life of Pi. This is one of the only movies that is better than the book. Life of Pi is about a boy who is stranded on a lifeboat after his ship sinks and his family dies, and on this lifeboat is a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. The cinematography exceeds expectations. The film is a VFX masterpiece. The score is awesome. The scenes are breathtaking. And, to boot, there's a strong religious theme which really works.Crying Moment: Pi yells at God about all that he's lost. And the score. The score give me feels all over.
the Dark Knight

Like, seriously, focus on Gary Oldman. His praise is really overlooked because of Ledger's performance, but this film made me love Jim Gordon. One of the only comic books I've read is the Long Halloween, an excellent comic book about Batman and a serial killer named Holiday.
But a finer point of the comic is the sweetness that goes into Jim's life. His wife. His love for his kids.
He's one of the best DC characters because he has a family. His stakes are real. Every time he reports to work, especially in Gotham, or helps Batman, not only is he risking his life, but not seeing his kids again. And the climax of this film, his family is taken from him. And Gary Oldman gives the most real performance of Jim Gordon that will ever happen.
Crying Moment: Two-Face kidnaps Jim Gordon's son and decides to teach Gordon what is feels like to talk to the person you love most when you know that they're about to die, shoots Batman, and then Jim Gordon apologizes and takes the blame for Rachels' death. And the score.
Side note: The reason the Dark Knight Rises is not on this list is because it ruined the family dynamic of Jim Gordon and is half an hour too long.
Jurassic World
This is one where I didn't cry. It's just awesome. It had dinosaurs. It has Chris Pratt. It has a functioning park. It's really on the list because it's just cool.Cool Moment: Chris Pratt rides on a motorcycle next to Velociraptors. Need I say more?
Into the Spider-Verse
From the studio that brought you the Emoji Movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a perfectly balanced film; animation, check. Humor, check. Heartstring tugs? Check. Spider-Man, check. It hits all the bases. It's basically perfect.The movie didn't make me cry, per se, but it did give me chills. Like, serious chills. Awesome chills.
Cool Moment: The "What's Up Danger?" scene, the Kingpin flashback, "I won't let Spider-Man die," and the final fight.

Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2 is actually awesome. Spider-Man feels real. It's pizza time. Of course, we have Tobey Maguire as the adorkable Peter Parker, and Doc Ock is just perfection in this film. Really, he's awesome.
Revenge of the Sith
Honestly, this is the only Star Wars movie on the list because while not the best, it's definitely my favorite. Sure, the OT were excellent, and the Disney films have amazing VFX, but in between those two, we had the Prequels. And the first two are awful. So, naturally, this is my favorite. It has camp, it has extremely memorable lines, and it takes the franchise in some seriously dark paths.
the Peanuts Movie
This one almost didn't make the cut, but I love Peanuts and I love this one's animation and style. It feels like a Peanuts comic. Rotten Tomatoes calls the film "Unambitious." I don't think it was going for ambition or spectacle. It is simple a movie based on the source material, an extra hour to one of the TV specials. And that's exactly what people wanted.
So... WALL-E. Surprisingly, the only Pixar film on here, even though I do cry during most of them. WALL-E is one of my favorite childhood movies.Sure, I'm 14, but honestly, I have seen so much history in just a decade; Computers are thin, the iPhone, the iPad, digital effects, compute animation, the first black president, the first orange president, gay rights, and Tesla cars. So I have seen a lot.
But I'm talking about a kid's movie right now. So, there was a time in my life when every Sunday I would watch WALL-E. Like, for a year. I would just not tire of it. And, looking back on it, this film is incredible. It's for little kids, has no dialogue in the first half, and then is all science-fiction for the next? It's incredible the movie made $533 million. Kids are not known for liking these things.
Crying Moment: When Wall-E sacrifices himself to save everyone, and then when Eve tries to build him again and his mind has been wiped.
Batman Begins
This is, by far, the best superhero origin story. Iron Man, Spider-Man, and GOTG are up there, but this just beats them. Real, grounded, fast, and incredible, this movie redefined Batman from camp to silly to epic. This movie just makes Batman so cool.
Cool Moment: "I won't kill you... but I don't have to save you."
Jurassic Park
So, the original Jurassic Park is on this list as well. Jurassic Park still holds up to this day. Sure, the movie's 26 years old now, but it's still excellent. The special effects are still awesome, and every character in here is distinct. Sure, I sound like a weird YouTube video, but every single character in this adventure is distinct. Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm, the kids, John Hammond, and Samuel L. Jackson are all very distinct and classic characters.And it's scary. Like, actually scary. I never thought of it as a scary movie, but it is scary.

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Yeah, this is rather small scale compared to the other ones. Perhaps the only film Disney ever faithfully adapted to the source material, Winnie the Pooh has a lot too love. And it's one of my favorite movies.Cool Moment: Winnie the Pooh asks Christopher Robin if he will be remembered.

It basically added an entire layer of depth to the movie and to Cillian Murphy's character.
Other than that, the action is immense, the plot is spectacular, the idea is ingenious... it's not often an original movie happens in Hollywood, but it happened. And it made, like, $830 million.
Crying Moment: When Cillian Murphy opens the safe and sees his pinwheel that his father actually kept.

the Prince of Egypt
Alright, the Prince of Egypt. When you hear the words, "Animated musical adventure based on the Bible, produced by DreamWorks," you probably don't think, "That's gonna be good." And yet it was. The Prince of Egypt deserves respect. It commands it. The emotional weight, the music, the animation, the cast! It is amazing.Crying Moment: During the opening song, the Mother leaves her baby in order to save him. It was sad.
There you are. My favorite films. You probably didn't care. In fact, you probably didn't make it to the end of this article.
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