Alright! Today I'll be taking a look at the newest trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home and over analyzing every bit of dialogue from it.
The next shot is of Happy Hogan saying, "Yeah, I miss him too." HOWEVER. "Him" is an extremely vague statement. Maybe they're talking about Ned. Or Mysterio. Or Nick Fury. They also are seated on a plane, presumably the same one that was in the LEGO set.
So, starting off the trailer with the 22 year-old Tom Holland, warning us that big Endgame spoilers were about to commence. This means that he will most likely be in the movie as his character from Pixar's Onward, or his most famous role, Spoiler-Man Spider-Man.
The next shot is of Spider-Man (Without his mask on) in the Iron Spider suit, which means he still
has it, looking at something and saying "Everywhere I go, I see his face," which turns out to be wall art of the recently deceased Tony Stark. 
It's quality wall art, too
This is another shot of Spider-Man grieving, presumably in the same scene, but it may be later in the movie. After all, it was later in the trailer.
Also, if you would, notice that in the background there is a white train. This could be a reference to the 2004 Spider-Man 2, or it could be setting up his own train-stopping scene.
He also says, "I just really miss him."
Next we have... a black screen. This is perhaps the most puzzling piece of information in this trailer, as a black screen could represent... nothing. Perhaps he's in space. Perhaps he's knocked out. I don't know.
This shot is of Peter Parker, puffy-eyed after (Presumably) crying. Maybe he has something in his eyes. Or pink eye. Or maybe his pupils were dilated. But he's probably crying about the already vague "Him."
Or, maybe he just saw Endgame and is still recovering. I know I am.
Happy Hogan also says, "I don't think Tony would've done what he did, if he didn't know you were going to be here after he was gone."
Now a cafe fight scene is teased, perhaps the same one from Homecoming when Aunt May told Peter that she "Larved" him.
The fight scene is further teased with a shot of Spider-Man fighting... someone.
Now we finally get the answer to the long awaited question; is the Iron Spider armor knife proof? Yes, yes it is.
Next is a shot of a man standing next to a fishtank firing a weapon. But, the fishtank is the real star here: It has fish.
The man in the background has what looks like an ax. Bro, if the armor is bulletproof, what use would an ax do?
Spider-Man is very cool. Also, the man on the wall is slung up in a classic Spidey style and I love it.
Now Spider-Man rests on a table. But what table, you may ask? It is a round table. The webs behind him are roping up the criminals, and Spider-Man has once again saved the day.
This is why Civil War happened. What if the supers weren't on our side? What if it was just an everyday thing that happened to civilians?
And, you may notice similarities to Shelob's webbing of Frodo in LOTR, which was probably not coincidental. And someone hurt the fish tank. How rude of them.
"...You gone be the next Iron Man now?"
"Well, no I don't have time..."
"I'm too busy doing your jobs!"
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" "Look, keep up the good work..."
"Because I am going on vacation!"
Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, you know? Also, notice how he's on his phone. What a modern and accurate depiction of what a teenage Spidey would be like.
"Heads up, Nick Fury's calling you."
"I don't really want to talk to Nick Fu-"
"Answer it"
"Because if you don't talk to him then I have to talk to him, and I don't want to talk to him."
This means that perhaps Happy Hogan doesn't like Nick Fury, or doesn't want to talk to him. Why?
Spider-Man is very diplomatic in his approach to the situation.
"You sent Nick Fury to voicemail?"
"I gotta go!"
"You do not ghost Nick Fury!"
Now we learn not to ghost Nick Fury. Is there perhaps a prior experience that Happy has with this?
Also, notice on the back it shows a wrestling ad for Crusher Hogan, who is of no relation to Happy Hogan, I'm assuming. He was also the first dude Spider-Man fought.
"What's up, dorks?"
"We were just talking about the trip."
Also, notice that he is in an airplane. Or, it's a submarine, and he's going to see Namor.
Sorry, Namor. Looks like this Spider will fly.
It looks like they're visiting Venice. how lovely. Also, notice the crane in the background that will later be used to swing on.
Bro, this random native just ran up to a tourist and hit him in the crotch. Europe is a very strange place.
"I think MJ really likes me."
She's also taking a photo/video of something underwater. What's there? What secrets does it hold?
"It reminds me of the first time I fell in love," which is actually teasing his confirmed relationship with Betty Brant.
"You're a very difficult person to contact, Spider-Man." He gave him a phone call. Just the one.
This shot is really cool.
"This is Mr. Beck."
"We could use someone like you back on my world."
"Your world?"
"Beck is from Earth, just not ours."
"The snap tore a hole in our dimension."
That's neat because it confirms the Spider-Verse, and that's really cool.
Sorry, Sandman. We didn't get you, we got the weird, off-brand Kroger one.
"You're saying there's a multi-verse?"
"You have a job to do. And you are coming with us."
This summer.
It's the meg. Oh, wait, that's just Hydroman. Silly me.
So... I like his shirt.
That's a cool shot. Also, notice the tiled roofs. That's a very Mediterranean architecture style.
Hydroman is looking AWESOME.
This is basically canon until the LOTR part. But yeah, this was the first time Captain Marvel was officially called "Captain Marvel." Maybe we'll hear Scarlet Witch for the first time, too.
Are those Christmas lights?
Molten Man looks very cool.
"But I'm just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!"
That's actually a point that a lot of Spider-Man movies miss. He's not the city saver. He's not a world saver. He's just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. But he's saving the world here, since Thanos was such a big threat everything else doesn't seem that touch.
That's nice. Also, it looks like he's fighting Molten Man in this scene.
This is a cool shot and it looks perfect and holy crap Mysterio can fly. THAT'S AWESOME!
They made the Mysterio fishbowl look cool. Truly, Marvel is a king among kings. And he actually has powers? That's new. Most of the time he's an illusionist and a lying cheating sorta guy.
"I wanna go back on my trip with a girl I really like and tell her how I feel."
Now we see that he feels something. Most likely love. Also, hilarious detail, Mysterio is drinking a beer or whiskey or something while the underage Peter Parker is drinking a soda. With a bendy straw.
They're not wearing their masks. That's very unlike Peter, who is extremely concerned about his secret identity.
And there's a sheep behind them. A demon sheep.
"MJ, I am-"
"Spider-Man?"She's perceptive. That's neat.
"No, of course not."
"I mean, it's kind of obvious.
Oof. Slamming on that "I can't figure it out!" Spider-Man girlfriend trope. MJ is just too smart. Or maybe he'll play it like Aladdin and keep it a secret until the very last minute for no reason.
This shot is epic.

"You're right. You may not be ready. But this is my responsibility."
Mysterio feels responsible, all but confirming that the Elementals are from his dimension.

Mysterio is so cool. It hurts that he'll be the main badguy of the film.
"Saving the world requires sacrifice."
Indeed it does. We also get our shot of MJ, Ned and Betty Brant, Flash, and that dude in the second row, maybe Harry Osborn, who could've aged in the five years everyone was dead.
Mysterio is so awesome. And this Ashy Man looks pretty cool too.
R.I.P. London Bus. Us Americans respect you.
"Sometimes people die."
And a shot of his three BFFs. Crossing the London Bridge. That's awesome. But let's focus on why the dialogue of "People die" falls on this shot. Is one of them going to die? Is it MJ and that really was Harry, who kills her?
Bonding lessons. So Mysterio comes at a very good time. Peter is still mourning Tony, and Quentin Beck comes in as a new father figure for him. Very precise. Very cool.
That same Mysterio shot from the first trailer. Nothing to see here. Except maybe that he's fighting without his helmet on. That's odd. And all of his magic has been in triangles. What's up with that?
Giant explosion in the same color as Mysterio's blasts. Very mysterious. Veeeeeeery.
Aww.... he's wearing Tony's glasses.... that's so adorable and also really sad at the same time. And apparently he's shocked by something. Maybe it's Electro!
And now we see the damage caused by Molten Man. It seems to be a lot of damage.
"I always feel like I'm putting my friends in danger."
This seems connected to the Hydroman attack on London Bridge scene we saw earlier.
And yeah, he definitely puts his friends in danger. I don't know why he would think otherwise. Also, notice that London Bus that we know the unfortunate fate of.
"The world needs the next Iron Man." Yes it does. Please be the next Iron Man, Spidey. But what about War Machine? Is he just retired or something?
That thing on his arm is super cool. I don't know what it is, or where it is, but it's super cool.
This is definitely in a different scene, although the trailer plays it like it's in the same scene. Cause here, he's on a plane, but above, the style of the walls is different. But I could be totally wrong.
That was totally wicked!
"Are your going to step up or not?"
Probably yes.
That's sad. It makes me sad.
And, as he stares at the mural, the candlelight flickers in his eyes, he makes up his mind resolutely; yes, he will step up.
Unfortunately, that means facing off Molten Man, and that'll be hot to do. That pun didn't work at all, did it?
Yes! Spidey flippy thingies! I love it.
And now he's swinging onto the wall...
And he landed there. I got serious Spider-Verse vibes, whoah.
This flip is very cool.
Spider-Man: Homecoming. Spider-Man: Far From Home. Spider-Man: Home Alone coming next?
This is the plane they were on. I like this plane.
"I gotta get you guys outta here! Get on the jet!"
"Who are you?"
"I work with Spider-Man-"
"You work for Spider-Man?"
Flash is obsessed with Spider-Man now. I don't know why. In Homecoming, he destroyed his dad's car. That seems like a sudden change. He probably gets saved by him or something.
"I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man." hahhahahahahaha that's hilariously accurate to Happy's opinion of Spider-Man in Homecoming.
Boom goes the jet.
"New plan!" That's funny too!
Alright! There you have it! Over analyzing the Far From Home trailer.
That's actually a point that a lot of Spider-Man movies miss. He's not the city saver. He's not a world saver. He's just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. But he's saving the world here, since Thanos was such a big threat everything else doesn't seem that touch.
That's nice. Also, it looks like he's fighting Molten Man in this scene.
This is a cool shot and it looks perfect and holy crap Mysterio can fly. THAT'S AWESOME!
They made the Mysterio fishbowl look cool. Truly, Marvel is a king among kings. And he actually has powers? That's new. Most of the time he's an illusionist and a lying cheating sorta guy.
"I wanna go back on my trip with a girl I really like and tell her how I feel."
Now we see that he feels something. Most likely love. Also, hilarious detail, Mysterio is drinking a beer or whiskey or something while the underage Peter Parker is drinking a soda. With a bendy straw.
They're not wearing their masks. That's very unlike Peter, who is extremely concerned about his secret identity.
And there's a sheep behind them. A demon sheep.
"MJ, I am-"
"Spider-Man?"She's perceptive. That's neat.
"No, of course not."
"I mean, it's kind of obvious.
Oof. Slamming on that "I can't figure it out!" Spider-Man girlfriend trope. MJ is just too smart. Or maybe he'll play it like Aladdin and keep it a secret until the very last minute for no reason.
This shot is epic.
"You're right. You may not be ready. But this is my responsibility."
Mysterio feels responsible, all but confirming that the Elementals are from his dimension.
Mysterio is so cool. It hurts that he'll be the main badguy of the film.
"Saving the world requires sacrifice."
Indeed it does. We also get our shot of MJ, Ned and Betty Brant, Flash, and that dude in the second row, maybe Harry Osborn, who could've aged in the five years everyone was dead.
Mysterio is so awesome. And this Ashy Man looks pretty cool too.
R.I.P. London Bus. Us Americans respect you.
"Sometimes people die."
And a shot of his three BFFs. Crossing the London Bridge. That's awesome. But let's focus on why the dialogue of "People die" falls on this shot. Is one of them going to die? Is it MJ and that really was Harry, who kills her?
Bonding lessons. So Mysterio comes at a very good time. Peter is still mourning Tony, and Quentin Beck comes in as a new father figure for him. Very precise. Very cool.
That same Mysterio shot from the first trailer. Nothing to see here. Except maybe that he's fighting without his helmet on. That's odd. And all of his magic has been in triangles. What's up with that?
Giant explosion in the same color as Mysterio's blasts. Very mysterious. Veeeeeeery.
Aww.... he's wearing Tony's glasses.... that's so adorable and also really sad at the same time. And apparently he's shocked by something. Maybe it's Electro!
And now we see the damage caused by Molten Man. It seems to be a lot of damage.
"I always feel like I'm putting my friends in danger."
This seems connected to the Hydroman attack on London Bridge scene we saw earlier.
And yeah, he definitely puts his friends in danger. I don't know why he would think otherwise. Also, notice that London Bus that we know the unfortunate fate of.
"The world needs the next Iron Man." Yes it does. Please be the next Iron Man, Spidey. But what about War Machine? Is he just retired or something?
That thing on his arm is super cool. I don't know what it is, or where it is, but it's super cool.
This is definitely in a different scene, although the trailer plays it like it's in the same scene. Cause here, he's on a plane, but above, the style of the walls is different. But I could be totally wrong.
That was totally wicked!
"Are your going to step up or not?"
Probably yes.
That's sad. It makes me sad.
And, as he stares at the mural, the candlelight flickers in his eyes, he makes up his mind resolutely; yes, he will step up.
Unfortunately, that means facing off Molten Man, and that'll be hot to do. That pun didn't work at all, did it?
Yes! Spidey flippy thingies! I love it.
And now he's swinging onto the wall...
And he landed there. I got serious Spider-Verse vibes, whoah.
This flip is very cool.
Spider-Man: Homecoming. Spider-Man: Far From Home. Spider-Man: Home Alone coming next?
This is the plane they were on. I like this plane.
"I gotta get you guys outta here! Get on the jet!"
"Who are you?"
"I work with Spider-Man-"
"You work for Spider-Man?"
Flash is obsessed with Spider-Man now. I don't know why. In Homecoming, he destroyed his dad's car. That seems like a sudden change. He probably gets saved by him or something.
"I work with Spider-Man, not for Spider-Man." hahhahahahahaha that's hilariously accurate to Happy's opinion of Spider-Man in Homecoming.
Boom goes the jet.
"New plan!" That's funny too!
Alright! There you have it! Over analyzing the Far From Home trailer.
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