Alright! Today I'm reviewing the fourth Toy Story. While not as good as Toy Story 3 (The best of the franchise), it's definitely on a Toy Story 2 type of level.
9 years ago, Andy gave Bonnie his toys. And 24 years ago, the first Toy Story came out.
It's okay. I feel like the franchise should've ended at Toy Story 3, but this was a nice extension.
There are two things that make this movie:
As you might have figured out, Forky easily steals the show everytime he is on screen. His first words are, "Trash."
He is so relatable. He's hilarious. Toy Story 4 may be worth it just for Forky.
Duke Caboom
Keanu Reeves finally enters Pixar as Canadian stunt biker Duke Caboom, who I was expecting to be a lot funnier but who was still pretty funny regardless. He even had a backstory. I wish he had more screentime.

Another thing I really liked is the villain, Gabby Gabby. Gabby Gabby is a toy who's motivation is actually a good one and she ends up being super nice.
But first she has to perform surgery on Woody and rip out his voicebox. After that, it's alright (I'm not okay with that).
I wish she had been more sinister, like Lotso.
Umm.... I kinda don't like carnivals, so I didn't really connect with the setting per se...
It was fine. It was okay.
But this was Pixar fine, so it's honestly really good.
I would also like to say that the animation in this film is completely awesome. The settings and backgrounds look completely real and incredibly textured.
Overall Opinion: 7/10, "While completely unnecessary, Toy Story 4 is still pretty good."
9 years ago, Andy gave Bonnie his toys. And 24 years ago, the first Toy Story came out.

There are two things that make this movie:
As you might have figured out, Forky easily steals the show everytime he is on screen. His first words are, "Trash."
He is so relatable. He's hilarious. Toy Story 4 may be worth it just for Forky.
Duke Caboom
Keanu Reeves finally enters Pixar as Canadian stunt biker Duke Caboom, who I was expecting to be a lot funnier but who was still pretty funny regardless. He even had a backstory. I wish he had more screentime.

Another thing I really liked is the villain, Gabby Gabby. Gabby Gabby is a toy who's motivation is actually a good one and she ends up being super nice.
But first she has to perform surgery on Woody and rip out his voicebox. After that, it's alright (I'm not okay with that).
I wish she had been more sinister, like Lotso.
Umm.... I kinda don't like carnivals, so I didn't really connect with the setting per se...
It was fine. It was okay.
But this was Pixar fine, so it's honestly really good.
I would also like to say that the animation in this film is completely awesome. The settings and backgrounds look completely real and incredibly textured.
Overall Opinion: 7/10, "While completely unnecessary, Toy Story 4 is still pretty good."
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