Ummm... I started watching Stranger Things 2 1/2 years late, in June 2019. And then I had to wait for Stranger Things 3, and then I saw all of that in, like, a week.
Sorry, I'm not one of those people who binge it. I don't do that. I am somewhat healthy.
So, to start it off, here is my Stranger Things review:
Stranger Things (Season 1)
Stranger Things' first season is probably it's best. It's addictive, the style is amazing, the mystery built up in the episodes is very tense, and they create relateable characters that are often fan-favorite.
And it's funny.
It's a very compelling sci-fi tv show. It's like Firefly or Star Trek. You're just immediately hooked in, like, "Yeah, this is gonna be good."

And so is the Justice for Benny. Benny was the one who got shot for helping a starving kid. Yeah.
That actually really set how evil the badguys were. They straight up shot that dude because he fed a kid from their facility.
That really differentiated the show from others who have the badguy just kill a dude in one scene and then you're like, "Yeah, they're evil," but they never really do it again.
This was different because it included flashbacks to Eleven's past, and that was scary.
Also, there was no real reason for it take place in the 80s. But I'm glad it was, because then you get all the fun pop culture stuff. Yay! I like that stuff.
Stranger Things 2

Steve Harrington. duh.
In this season, I love Steve Harrington so much. In the last episode or two, he really stood out. He was the only sane voice in their situation (They wanted to blow up a tunnel to the Upside Down), and he was actually just awesome. Awesome awesome awesome.
The second season keeps the tone of the first season, very cool atmosphere, very nice. It also introduces Max, who I like, and Billy Hargrove, who I hate. I hate that guy. I hate his mustache.
It also introduces Bob, who is so awesome. Bob was an excellent character. I was confident he would make it out okay. AND THEN HE STRAIGHT UP DIED.
I almost cried. It was very sad.
That guy was awesome! He was so nice, and he put up with all the weird stuff the Byers were going through, and he just wanted to be a good guy. And he died.
That made me really sad.

Episode 7.

But Matthew Modine already had died, so I didn't really care. And it was really bad... the group of punks were all stupid stereotypes and stuff, and it was really boring.
I also like how they used the Demodogs. I liked those guys. And I really like it when they hit Demogorgons with the baseball bat. Bullets won't hurt, but that baseball bat? That stings.
Stranger Things 3

Also, this season was really funny. Like, really funny. The first episode is straight up hilarious. I really liked the mall setting, with all the neon and Scoops Ahoy stuff. It was awesome.
I didn't like how they split up the gang. I like the gang together. But it did make sense for the story.

I also thought that it kind of put some characters in the background, mostly Will. I would've liked more of Will after him barely being in season 1 and possessed for most of season 2.

I did like the new character Robin. Steve and Robin had some great chemistry and were a really funny comedic duo. And I totally thought they would end up together, but then it turned out she was lesbian. I thought that was a really clever and smart decision. It just fit. But poor Steve.
Steve gets beaten up
Steve gets his girl stolen by the guy who beat him up

Steve gets beaten up by Russians
Steve falls in love with a lesbian.
It's just a really rough streak for him, I guess. Hope he gets a win in Season 4.
Overall opinion: "Stranger Things is an excellent TV show. The vibe, the characters, the originality are all awesome. But most of all, Steve Harrington."
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