Alright! Today I'm ranking the Top 13 trilogies. Why 13? Because it has a three in it. Duh.
13. Aladdin

However, Aladdin and the King of Thieves is actually really good. Robin Williams is back as the genie and the story is actually good, the songs are catchy, and some of the set locations are actually pretty cool. It was a worthy sequel to Aladdin.
Overall opinion: "The Aladdin trilogy has a lot of ups and downs. Specifically, one up. The first one."
12. Narnia

However, the films are very long. Each are 2 and a half hours, except for the last, which is two. And all of them feel super long. Suuuuuuper.
They're kinda like the precursor to YA adaptations, which started in 2011 with Hunger Games.
Overall opinion: "Yeah. Narnia's basically alright. No need to overcomplicate it."
11. Back to the Future

I know a lot of people say that the third one is better than the second one, but I'm really not into westerns. At all.
But let's talk about the first one. How amazing. Everyone loves the first one. Everyone. In fact, it might be impossible not to like the first one. Everything about it is awesome.

But the second one is iffy.
And I don't like the third one.
Overall opinion: "Back to the Future is like a buffet. The first time you walk up, you love it. The second time, you're full, but you still like it. The third time you go you go because it's there. You don't really want the food. It's just there."
10. Cars
Okay. Cars. Everyone loves Cars. Cars is cool because the first movie is pretty good, the second one is... less good... and the third one is good.

I, for one, really liked Cars. I was little when it came out, I super loved it, and I got a lot of merch. To this day, it is still a great movie.
Then Cars 2 came out, and that was cool too. I think it's okay.

Overall opinion: "A lot of people see Cars as an okay franchise, and they are right. It is just okay. Not great, not bad, but just okay. And sometimes that's enough."
9. Jurassic Park

I guess it was too nice to last.
the Lost World: Jurassic Park is not good. Like, really not good. It has some cool scenes and filmmaking techniques, most notably a scene where a guy runs out from a waterfall and into a t-rex. The water in the waterfall then turns red. That was a pretty epic reveal. But at the same time of terror moments, you have a 13 year old girl kicking a raptor in the face and out of a window.
That was literally the climax.
Jurassic Park III... the less said about it, the better. The dinosaurs are terrible CGI, the raptors have feathers (?), and a raptor says "Alan!" The film literally only has enough plot for an hour and a half.
Overall opinion: "Despite being completely iconic and one of the best films of all time, Jurassic Park has two terrible sequels."
8. Iron Man
Soooo... the Iron Man trilogy is a trilogy. Technically it's part of the MCU and thus Iron Man appeared several more times after his trilogy ended, but his trilogy, by itself, is actually really good. Iron Man is a good movie. It's smart, it has awesome fight scenes, the cast is great, all around kudos.

Iron Man 3 is okay. It doesn't have a lot of Iron Man in it, and it has a lot of wasted potential with the Mandarin and the Hall of Armors, but it is still okay.
Overall opinion: "The Iron Man trilogy is great, okay, and better."
7. Captain America

Captain America: the Winter Soldier was even better. This one was very dark, fast paced, and cool. It brought in realism and an excellent costume design to create a film that is not often seen. Very Bond-esque.

Overall opinion: "The Captain America trilogy is really cool. Super cool."
6. Prequels
The Star Wars prequels are amazing. Super amazing.
The CGI is really bad for the first two, but by the time Revenge of the Sith rolls around, it's legit. And it has so many great characters, lines, stories, and is altogether very iconic. And awesome.
Unfortunately, the films are a bit long, and the politics are very heavy. Needs more laser swords.
Overall opinion: "The Prequels are amazing, iconic, and stellar - everything you'd hope from a Star Wars prequel."
5. How to Train Your Dragon
The How To Train Your Dragon trilogy is practically perfect. The first film is full of laughter, great characters, and dragons.

The second film is just as good, and has a great twist at the end, and really pulls at the heart.
On the other hand, the Hidden World is okay. It wasn't stellar, but it also wasn't awful. I think it's partly because of a weaker villain than the first two.
Oh, and Toothless the dragon. Don't forget him. He's so awesome.
Overall opinion: "How to Train Your Dragon is just so amazing. And it has dragons. It's amazing and has dragons and the makes it awesome."
4. Spider-Man

While you could argue that it had a weak third film, consider this; the other two were practically perfect.
Spider-Man is a great origin story. Before we were sick of origin stories.
And Spider-Man 2 is one of the greatest films (Ever). It is so good. Spider-Man 2 has a great villain, great characters, and a truly great set-up for a next movie.
Then we get to Spider-Man 3. It's more fun to talk about this one because it's worse. And, the dance scene is cringey. But, like, iconic cringey.
Overall opinion: "The first Spider-Man film is awesome. The second one improves on perfection. The third one is just as good. Yes, it is. Don't argue with me. I'm right."

The OT Star Wars trilogy is basically up this high because it is so completely iconic and revolutionary. And all three films are amazing.
The impact of the Star Wars films is astounding. It created the sci-fi genre, basically. And VFX. And everything is critically acclaimed. None of it is bad.

Overall opinion: "The OT Star Wars are awesome. But they're just not as good as everyone thinks."
2. Lord of the Rings
LOTR is long. Super long. 686 minutes, or, 11 and a half hours (An hour longer than all the Avengers films). That is a freaking long trilogy. But it is rich. Rich in lore, fans, (Box office). The characters are all iconic. The themes are all iconic. It is instantly iconic.
Overall opinion: "LOTR is amazing. It's everything you can hope from an adaptation of a beloved book: Faithful, with powerful themes, scores, and acting to go along with it."

1. The Dark Knight
I would say that The Dark Knight basically remade Batman. Sure, the 1989 Batman remade Batman from the 60s Batman, but after the 1989 Batman we had the Kilmer and Clooney Batmen, which ruined him. And if that made sense, you need to go outside and remind yourself of what it looks like.
Christopher Nolan is awesome.
The cast is awesome. Everyone is perfectly cast.
They remake all of the villains into terrifying threats that feel real. Extremely real. Like, scary real.

In fact, that seems to be the theme of this trilogy. Scarily real. The amount of realism put into this is astounding. Explaining Batman's armor and Batmobile. And that is awesome.
Overall opinion: "the Dark Knight trilogy is grounded in realism, and that makes it so, so, so cool that it reshaped blockbusters. Just all the awesomeness goes to the Dark Knight."
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