1. Over Marketization of the Vulptex

They didn't have a huge role in the movie, and were certainly much less important than you were led to believe from the marketing.
Every single ad seemed to have a Vulptex, and for nothing except for merchandising. I actually did like the Porgs, however.
Porgs were over marketed but gave us enough appropriately cute scenes in the film.
2. Saving the slave horses, but not the slave children

Another weird message was the Casino Planet. They say everyone there got rich from selling weapons/slavery. Was that a veiled reference to America's economy and past?
3. If Rey's not a Skywalker, why did Luke's lightsaber call her?

However, in the Last Jedi, Rey is revealed to not be a Skywalker, so I guess she's just drawn to things for specific plot points?
4. Poe Dameron is completely wasted

In the Last Jedi, however, he lets most of the Resistance die, talked back to (Questionable) authority, and started that sideplot, and basically anything he did was wrong.
5. Vice Admiral Holdo

You realize, "Why isn't she telling them?" and think that she's evil, or that the plan is super important or secret. And then it was literally booping over to the next base over?
It was very silly and an awful way to build up something that could have been potentially interesting. You realize it was only in there to add an hour to the run time and give Poe and Finn something to do.
And, when you think about it, without her, the movie would've been 40 minutes shorter, clocking in at 1h 50 mins instead 2h 30 mins. So it got it to blockbuster length, but it was stupid.
6. Rose Tico
So, Rose was obviously only in here for diversity and a device. Her being Asian isn't a problem, but the character is a huge problem. For one thing, if they were going for Empire Strikes Back she and Finn should have been Han and Leia.And yet they have no chemistry or anything.
She tells him what to do and reprimands him for being selfish. For trying to save Rey.
Trying to save someone isn't selfish. In fact, I would say that trying to save someone you care about it one of the best causes one can be a part of.
7. Rose saves Finn

And then, psych. Expectations are subverted! Again!
8. Feminism and Diversity
In that film, Mulan is at a real physical disadvantage. It's a real thing. But she gets stronger and proves herself an equal by proving she is competent, and works with the men to defeat the main threat of the film.
In the Last Jedi, the opposite happens.

Rose Tico telling Finn that he's selfish because he wants to save Rey (Citation needed), Vice Admiral Holdo telling Poe that he's wrong because he wants to know the plan.
He needs to submit to the female commander. And ultimately, there's not a real reason to not tell them the plan.

The ultimate message of the film is, women are stronger and better than men, and men should just submit to them because they said so.
That's not how equality works.
Equality should work by not putting down anyone, but instead by raising up everyone. For equality to happen, no one should be shafted. And that's something a lot of feminist things miss. Mulan, however, has a message of working together and tolerance.
(Vito did a great video on this)
9. Leia Organa is kept in a coma

But then, no, she's okay. And she is in a coma. They brought her back for an extremely minimal role. And that was weird.
10. Leia Organa is Mary Poppins
So, this is a meme. Leia as Mary Poppins. Go look it up. Like, it was cool to learn she had the force, but it should've been in a different way. Like, if she has the force, why doesn't she save any one else? Or stop the ship from exploding, freeze the bullet Kylo Ren style? And the way she floats...

11. Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO are sidelined

3PO had 2:30. For some of the most important characters in the franchise, they, combined, have 8 minutes and 10 seconds.
Chewbacca alone in the last movie had more screen time.
Technically 3PO and R2 got more screentime from TFA, but less than a minute more.
12. Rey is overpowered

Literally nothing bad ever happens to her. She never didn't accomplish what she was trying to do. Luke wasn't able to save Obi-Wan, or Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
She also seems to be a Chosen One. But most Chosen Ones have to have something go really wrong to be relatable. Rey lost Han Solo, but that's a standard at this point, 42 years after A New Hope.
We need more to a Chosen One. Aquaman is simply fun. Ender Wiggin caused the xenocide of an entire race. Harry Potter had to go through 6 years of school, 5 of which the man who killed his parents tried to kill him.
Rey, meanwhile, just has the standard death of a father figure. It happens to nearly everyone. Simba, Aladdin, Anna, Elsa, Batman, Iron Man, Luke Skywalker, the Flash, Superman (2x), Sam Raimi's Spider-Man (3x), or Tom Holland's Spider-Man (3x). Yet all of those people have conflicts.
Bonus round!
Simba: Believed it was his fault his dad died for 20 years before he found out it was his uncle.
Superman: Father died of heart attack
Spider-Man: Has to deal with the power gap left by Tony Stark dying
Batman: Parents were killed in front of him, resulting in years of training
And Rey... Rey saw Han die? Okay, but she knew him for, like, a day. Oh, and her parents abandoned her, for some reason. Oh wait, they were drunkards. They didn't know better.

Like Luke in Empire, but Luke was trying to save his dad, who killed Luke's parent figures. Rey is trying to save her frenemy.
13. The film has an hour long subplot that goes no where

And the overall message of the sideplot is devoting yourself to a larger cause.
However, Finn was already willing to go on one of the greatest causes ever: Saving his friend.

He would sacrifice himself, but no, it's for true love, which wasn't even hinted or developed during their hour long subplot! Perhaps if the subplot had turned Rose into a beloved character, instantly iconic, then it would be okay, but no. She's still a boring character.
14. the underuse of Captain Phasma

But in the film, she was very stiff and robotic. Her fate was left vague at then end of the film, but in the Last Jedi, they bring her back! Pleasant surprise! Tell us more! Psych! She dies... again. Why even bring her back? I dunno.
15. The humor falls flat
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A great Closer Look at this |
When Star Wars is funny, it's because the characters were saying those.
C-3PO talking about dying. Classic.
Leia being witty. Classic.
Han not caring. Classic.
Yoda being weird. Classic.
Unintentional Prequel hilarity? Classic.

Robert Downey Jr. does very well with quips, even making bad ones seem funny. But the Last Jedi demonstrates how to not quip. Don't make it stupid.
And, Star Wars isn't silly. It has had its share of stupid decisions, but they're nothing silly. Most movies are well acted dramas about friends and family turning on each other. That's not silly.
16. Luke just... dies...

17. Luke Skywalker is a completely different character

Luke destroyed an AT-AT.
Luke was willing to let the entire Jedi die just because he had a dream that his friends were in trouble. Luke saved Han from Jabba the Hutt.

But in the Last Jedi, Luke has another dream.
His nephew is going to be evil. So he... considers killing him? And then, after he turns evil, and it's Luke's fault, he just decides to do nothing? He strands himself on an island for 20 years? And it's the same character?
18. Thala-Sirens
So this was just a really weird scene where Luke milked a Thala-Siren and then drank it's breast milk. It was really weird.19. That's not how hyperspace works
And for some reason, it's soundless? It was cool, but I'm pretty sure it defies some Star Wars lore out there. And it ruins future space battles! When having an epic fight, we'll be thinking, why not just kamikaze yourself into that thing?
20. Force Projections

But in the Last Jedi, we get Force holograms, which for some reason, exist. After doing research, apparently Yoda and Dooku had one, and some dudes from Rebels had one. But in the Last Jedi, they are mostly used as a phone device so Kylo Ren and Rey can talk to each other while saving a confrontation for the climax.
It was really confusing how it was explained, and if it exists, why is this the first movie to deal with it? Why did Anakin Skywalker, who had more Midi-Chlorians than Yoda, not have one?
It was stupid.
21. Snoke is underdeveloped
According to IMDb, Supreme Leader Snoke has 6:45 of screentime total.The big set up from TFA, who is that hologram?, is nothing. In the Last Jedi, he's wearing a gold robe.
He's less menacing and yet still a total mystery. Who is he? Where did he come from? Why is he here? What is his relation to Kylo Ren?
All not answered. And he was being set up for something cool. But what it looks like is Rian Johnson took the new badguy and killed him, so now J.J. Abrams has to go dig up Palpatine to be the villain of Episode IX. That's kind of rude.
But in all seriousness, why not bring back Jar-Jar? That would be epic.
22. "It's like Empire."
Because like the Force Awakens, they basically lifted the plot from Empire.
The snow planet, the AT-ATs, a Jedi training subplot, a force ghost telling Luke what to do, a sunken X-Wing, scary force visions, the badguy trying to get the goodguy to turn to the Dark Side, and a goodguy who ends up betraying the rebels.
The only thing it's missing are the parents reveal and a dark ending.
They basically lifted the plot from Empire Strikes Back, and no one noticed. In fact, they praised it for being "Like" Empire.
23. Who is Rey?

More interestingly, I've heard fan theories are what destroyed the Last Jedi. We thought too hard about it. But, on the other hand, Darth Vader was Luke's dad.
And that came out of nowhere.

She was called by Luke's lightsaber! She mastered the Force easily! She can pilot the Falcon! Just a bunch of stuff you see and think, "Yeah, so, she's like, Luke's daughter or something," which I didn't think was true. I thought she was Han's daughter.
That would've been even better because she saw him die, and that means her brother killed her dad.
It would've been a really strong motivation for her in the Rise of Skywalker. Now it's like, "yeah, she cares because of plot stuff. Typical stock protagonist."
24. What exactly is the force on Ahch-To?

"Ahch-To was the birthplace of the Jedi Order.
Before the Jedi Purge and the Age of the Empire, Jedi scholars argued that a number of locations could be considered the birthplace of the Order. The scholars argued that Ahch-To, Tython, Coruscant, Jedha, and Ossus could all be considered candidate worlds for the Order's birth and the location of the first Jedi temple.
Despite much deliberation, however, the location of the first Jedi temple was a mystery by the time the Galactic Civil War came to a close.
Following the failed attempt by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker to rebuild the Jedi Order, Skywalker vanished in his T-65B X-wing starfighter and went in search of the first Jedi temple. He entered into a self-imposed exile on Ahch-To, purposely crash-landed his X-wing in a shallow inlet, residing on an island with stone ruins, and cut himself from the Force."

Why not go to that planet?
Also, why was Rey called by the giant black hole?
Also, why was this a thing?
25. The film throws away every great plot line the Force Awakens set up
Perhaps the most (General) grievous part of the film was the stuff it threw away. You left the Force Awakens thinking about all the cool things that could come out of that.
Why is Rey so good at piloting?
Why did C-3PO have a read arm?
Why did R2 wake up at that moment?
Who is Snoke?
Why is Luke on the island?
Who are Rey's parents?
Want the answers?
Why did Rey learn the Force so fast?
Why is Rey so good at piloting?

Why did C-3PO have a read arm?
Why did R2 wake up at that moment?
Who is Snoke?
A dead guy.
Why is Luke on the island?
He tried to kill his nephew because of a dream and thought the best way to take responsibility was to go into exile
Who are Rey's parents?
No one.
The Prequels may have had plot holes, but they didn't negate themselves by setting up giant promises and throwing them away. The Original Trilogy took a great movie and gave it more questions, and the Anthology films have been fitting in pretty well on their own.

*Solo was actually pretty good
In conclusion, there's a lot going on in the Last Jedi. Most is bad, but some if it's good (Citation Needed).
But who cares, I'm still seeing the Rise of Skywalker in theaters.
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