Alright! Welcome esteemed readers and wonderful folks who misclicked one too many times and ended up here! I have sad news - I have been consistently publishing weekly articles since May 2020, and even before that consistently publishing since, like, June of 2017. This is going to be my last weekly post for the foreseeable future.
My very first post was in May of 2015, exactly seven years ago today. I started this blog near the end of fifth grade. I’m now graduating high school. I’m not sure what the future holds for me and I’m unsure of what I want the future to hold for me. I have so many ideas, so many possibilities, and so many conflicting thoughts that I can’t possibly do them all.
On one hand, yeah. I’d love to be some big-shot actor or the next Christopher Nolan. I have a Superman trilogy I want to see get made. I’d love to be President of the United States. I’d love to just get my name out there in general and be famous and rich and all that. But on the other hand, I know those chances are so ridiculously nonexistent it would be easier not to bother. And thus I don’t.
But, given that high school is ending and the real world is beginning, I have made the executive decision to stop the weekly posts. I’ll still be posting reviews and my thoughts and maybe a ranking or two occasionally, but the “Every Tuesday at 8 AM” schedule is abolished, due to my own boredom with an increasing number of Top 10 lists and the fact I'll likely be prioritizing "real world" responsibilities from now on.
Thanks for reading all these years. It's been fun to see my writing improve from, erm, less than desirable to something that could be legitimately published. That growth has been so vital to me as
And so ends the beginning.
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