Nimona Review!

Alright! Today I'm reviewing Nimona, the 2023 animated feature film from Netflix about a sci-fantasy world where Ballister Boldheart has been accused of murdering Queen Valerin. Now assumed an enemy of the state by everyone he loves, the only companionship he has is Nimona, a shapeshifter who wants to be the sidekick to the greatest supervillain of all time. 

First and foremost, the fact that Nimona almost never saw the light of day is tragic - originally a Blue Sky movie before Disney bought the studio, thought the product was too gay, and axed it after decommissioning the studio. What's even worse is that Nimona, when compared against Disney's recent releases (Strange World, Lightyear) is leagues better in terms of creativity, uniqueness, and visual flair. Good for Netflix though, I guess.

However, being better than Strange World or Lightyear isn't exactly high praise. While Nimona is very fun and likable overall, it's never as funny as the premise suggests and the animation looks half-baked at times. Additionally, the themes of acceptance and good vs. evil are all well-worn territory, and none of the characters stick out enough to be standouts. Again, the best that can be said is that it's better than Strange World or Lightyear

The plot of the movie is so-so, and it's paced relatively well, but the entire thing is missing the je ne sais quoi importance or humor that other movies of its ilk have. Netflix's other studio throwaway, 2021's The Mitchells vs. the Machines, while not the same premise, is a good comparison. The humor, animation, and themes are all clever spins on popular tropes, with a genuinely interesting commentary on the role of technology in today's world. Nimona has... "don't ask small-minded questions," which I'm sure will make it popular with the trans youth it was written for and by, but is otherwise very vague and indecisive as a lesson. It's not preachy - but it's not subtle, either. 

Nimona isn't particularly special, but there are far worse ways to spend your time and far worse movies to watch. It feels like a lesser combination of greater works and is unlikely to be remembered outside of its Netflix release. I believe a theatrical experience could have greatly benefited the film, but to what degree is hard to say. It's enjoyable and perfectly suitable for children, but is otherwise disappointingly unfunny and generic. 

Overall, I give Nimona a 6/10. "Likable but generic, Nimona is okay.
